一元發行的外語電影《兒凶》雖然其映期已推遲至九月十五日,不過卻安排於今天農曆七月十四,在多家戲院提供優先場,當中包括UA時代廣場、UA朗豪坊、Palace apm、MCL將軍澳、MCL德福、MCL康怡放映午夜場,嘉禾旺角及The Grand則放映九點半場,而在The Grand的場次,更於散場後加插潘紹聰講鬼故的環節,可以說是極為應景。
Ken Resurrected
Who doesn’t know our birth mother is not a female?
Yet you are a staunch supporter of Hollywood domination. You also always hinted that HK or chinese language movies should totally disappear from competing against Hollywood in the summer months to make way for Hollywood, which means other foreign movies will now need to compete for off season slots.
You see what is going wrong in our cinema industry? What you are supporting creates a domino effect to every other movie genre and affect release schedule of all other movies, big or small, foreign or local.
《兒凶》being pushed is a prime example. In past summer time, Hong Kong cinema release many ghost-related movies, but due to Hollywood domination in recent years, don’t think many ghost movies can be released in summer vacation. You would think that at least somebody can give 80-100 screenings of the movie, right? No, says shtmanhk supported exhibitors!!
一元欠缺院商 back up 場次 bargaining power 自然較弱,天煞西部反擊戰 延後一周及
邊個波士唔抵死 臨時加入令原定8月25日上映的
秋瑾 和 兒凶 押後.
兒凶 和 陰傭花園 相隔兩周,起碼避開了各不相讓或自相殘殺的局面.
Ken Resurrected
HORRIBLE BOSSES should have played earlier as counter programming, but due to your staunch endorsement of Hollywood domination (TRANSFORMERS 3, HARRY POTTER finale, etc), release of all other movies are affected.
BOSSES got lucky this time because it has the studio’s own HANGOVER PART II to prove that American comedies has a market in HK, plus having HARRY POTTER finale performing also helps its bargaining power.
Now you even claimed that HORRIBLE BOSSES is a last minute addition, which means that if certain exhibitors are more open-minded in earlier weeks of the summer, more movies would have been scheduled earlier, including BOSSES, and 《兒凶》 would have a better chance of opening in the traditional spooky months of summer.
Bargaining power of distributors/marketers and their negotiation with exhibitors is backroom related matters which does not concern moviegoers like me and movie lovers or box office watchers in general, therefore whenever you come and ‘defend’, you are just a spin doctor for the existing business stakeholders.
I will stop here as I do not want to go too over topic and risk Ryan deleting.
點解一句普通既回應, 都會變成療交嗌?
討論既空間都冇, 其他人都唔敢回應啦.
Ken Resurrected
All because he is a staunch supporter of Hollywood commercial domination. He is one of the very few people who wholeheartedly support the status quo, as if he has a business stake in it, which make it all the worse.
Seeing him being the spin doctor on behalf of commercial interest is sickening, not to mention he likes to keep pointing out differences in opinion as if he is the only authority in box office discussion.
百老滙 (除IFC及電影中心)
UA 全線
The Grand
咁嘅陣容, 為何不轉?
9/22 新片吸引力甚弱也是有利絛件,但9/15上映的《阿波羅18號》是一大威脅.