














  1. Ken Resurrected

    《黑癲鵝先生》 not achieving HK$20 million is not shocking. It should not have done what it did in the first place. It is still an over-achiever in the HK market no matter what, so congratulations to Fox on a job well done.

    As Hollywood sequels is doing brisk business in Hong Kong in relative terms (except PIRATES 3D),《功夫熊貓2》needs to gross at least 30% higher than its predecessor to consider a reasonable success in Hong Kong due to 3D premium and ticket price inflation, and that means it should finish close to HK$40 million. With 《黑癲鵝先生》being the first family movie since Easter, and with more animation/family titles rolling in the coming days, it is unlikely 《功夫熊貓2》can reach HK$40 million. Its 2nd Thursday dropoff of 50% is higher than those of 《黑癲鵝先生》, and its fate will be similar to PIRATES 3D, barely able to outgross its non-3D predecessor.

    My take is that Intercontinental is fine with the stunning success for TRANSFORMERS 3 to let go of KUNG FU PANDA 2.

    HARRY POTTER finale should have no problem getting to HK$70 million as it only needs HK$11 million more. As I suggested close to 2 weeks ago, Hong Kong is never a really frontloaded market for the HP franchise, so despite its shockingly low first weekend surge from its Thursday debut, its third Thursday dropoff of 50% is respectable. Its opening day multiplier will be 11 times its opening Thursday of HK$6.6 million if it can at least finish with HK$73 million, but any hope of it topping TRANSFORMERS 3 will be laughable at this stage unless exhibitors will let the movie have an extended run similar to PIRATES 3D.

    The very good news is to see chinese language movies doing so decently this Thursday. 《人約離婚後》is having good momentum, and though it will still lag behind 葉念琛’s other hits, it is still surprise, especially seeing how weak its weekend surge is over its Thursday opening.

    And then there is 《武俠》. Its opening almost mirrored the opening of 甄子丹’s 《關雲長》, except this time without the aid of holidays. One can only expect this latest movie to have much better legs, which means you are looking at a potential HK$10 million grosser here.

    Good luck Hong Kong cinema!

  2. 阿毛



  3. nbachung


  4. Ken Resurrected

    阿毛 :

    If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will know that Ryan understands the difference. He just wants to interpret the attendance levels in a another way, indicating that some movies should have received more screenings.

    Nobody here is going to argue that some movies should receive 200 or even 300 screenings. Ryan is just implying that exhibitors should not let a few movies dominating too many screen time if the attendance levels per show is about the same.

  5. padedy

    Ken Resurrected :

    Ryan is just implying that exhibitors should not let a few movies dominating too many screen time if the attendance levels per show is about the same.


  6. shtmanhk

    阿毛 :




  7. shtmanhk

    《武俠》是陳可辛及金城武近年開畫票房最低,而金城武最近主演的六部華語片本地皆逾千萬.雖然此片比甄子丹另外兩部古裝片 錦衣衛 及 江山美人 的開畫票房為高,但相比三個月前非假期開畫院數場數明星更少的 關雲長 仍略遜4萬.《武俠》首四日累收該能追平 導火線 的389萬,往後走勢視乎首輪口碑及內地早上三周的影響有多大.

    《武俠》在本周荷李活大片真空期下仍未能成為開畫票房冠軍(對上一次華語片摘冠已是三個月前),且看下月中的 竊聽風雲2 能否打敗3D片開畫奪冠(死神4來了開畫 115萬)?


    精武風雲 231萬(63院381場)
    十月圍城 88萬(連優先場首日累收120萬)
    關雲長 78萬(36院212場)
    導火線 73萬(連優先場首日累收95萬)
    江山美人 60萬
    錦衣衛 35萬

    赤壁上 200萬(60院253場)
    赤壁下 170萬(73院335場)
    投名狀 168萬(72院)
    十面埋伏 130萬
    傷城 83萬
    如果愛 80萬

    武俠 74萬(39院227場)

  8. shtmanhk

    《功夫熊貓2》首周票房和 愛麗絲 相若,次周四單日票房 如此堅挺證明此片絲毫不受所謂遲映之影響.每年夏季本地吸金力最強的荷李活動畫,本地發行商一向奉行學生正式放暑假才上映之策略.


    反斗奇兵3 4035萬(281萬)–96院513場
    史力加4 1648萬(84萬)–52院306場
    沖天救兵 1496萬(108萬)–45院263場

    魔盜王4 2600萬(113萬)–94院438場
    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 2075萬(118萬)
    小人國大歷險 2194萬(119萬)

    功夫熊貓2 2014萬(132萬)–69院370場


    哈利波特7下 漸被 反斗奇兵3 拋離,但 哈利波特7下 第三周四的單日票房比 變形金剛3 的89萬多34萬.


    阿凡達 —
    反斗奇兵3 6382萬(150萬)–67院286場
    魔盜王4 3706萬(41萬) –47院192場
    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 3250萬(55萬) –51院227場

    哈利波特7下 5932萬(123萬)–68院304場


    變形金剛3 本地快將告一段落,內地票房已近5億:



    中國電影票房衝百億 七月創新高十月能達標



    黑癲鵝先生 和 功夫熊貓2 造成雙鸁局面,今個七月荷李活暑期片梅花間竹排陣在市埸策略上相當成功.

    如有入場感受及留意其他觀眾反應,黑癲鵝先生 其實真的可以不只於此甚或更上一層樓.即使不入場也並非只會瞄一瞄那些評分便一口咬定敷衍了事,對較能真正反映消費者口味的各大網站觀眾留言不置一顧更非專業分析者之所為.


    p.s.陳可辛早前接受訪問透露 投名狀 蝕大錢,單是他個人部份佔五分一也要千萬填數.

  9. 同步

    shtmanhk :
    《功夫熊貓2》首周票房和 愛麗絲 相若,次周四單日票房 如此堅挺證明此片絲毫不受所謂遲映之影響

    荷里活大製作在香港的上映日期比世界上其也的地方遲的話,在最終票房收入上是影響甚少,所謂的香港觀眾會產生灘凍感,其實這些灘凍感是從來都不存在.!!!!! 又再一次得到証明了.!

  10. eldeldy

    黑癲鵝 的香港票房收入 應該會超過 黑天鵝的香港票房收入..SURE..!!!!!!!!!!

  11. shtmanhk

    同步 :

    荷里活大製作在香港的上映日期比世界上其也的地方遲的話,在最終票房收入上是影響甚少,所謂的香港觀眾會產生灘凍感,其實這些灘凍感是從來都不存在.!!!!! 又再一次得到証明了.!


  12. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    同步 :

    荷里活大製作在香港的上映日期比世界上其也的地方遲的話,在最終票房收入上是影響甚少,所謂的香港觀眾會產生灘凍感,其實這些灘凍感是從來都不存在.!!!!! 又再一次得到証明了.!


    You said something right, but KUNG FU PANDA 2 should have crushed MR POPPER’S PENGUINS easily have it opened ahead of it. Instead, MR POPPER’s PENGUINS got unexpected boost from opening ahead of it.

    It is laughable that you think both movies’ distributors ‘secretly’ agree to schedule the family movies for mutual benefits. My take is that Intercontinental need to let TRANSFORMERS 3 dominated on the first long holiday of summer, plus local distributors only think of releasing family movies during holidays or vacation. Just look at how ugly our ‘smart’ Hong Kong distributors treat the Easter film market and massacre each other’s family movies this year!!

    Nowhere else in the world will distributors think that family movies can only open during certain periods of time. You are a staunch believer of the status quo, so you are just here being a spin doctor. KUNG FU PANDA 2 opened everywhere in the world almost exactly within 1-3 weeks of its US debut, including China, but Hong Kong needs to wait 8 almost 2 months!!

    Even though each film market has its own circumstances or unfair competitive conditions, Mr Shtmanhk, your job is just to spin things in favour of your own debate or to establish yourself as the only ‘authority’. You never cease to amaze me, but that will not make me disappear. LOL

    You can continue to think of your own arrogant self. Enjoy!

  13. Ben

    Agree with Ken Resurrected.

    Ken Resurrected :
    shtmanhk :同步 :

    荷里活大製作在香港的上映日期比世界上其也的地方遲的話,在最終票房收入上是影響甚少,所謂的香港觀眾會產生灘凍感,其實這些灘凍感是從來都不存在.!!!!! 又再一次得到証明了.!

    You said something right, but KUNG FU PAND…

  14. shtmanhk

    eldeldy :
    黑癲鵝 的香港票房收入 應該會超過 黑天鵝的香港票房收入..SURE..!!!!!!!!!!


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