和Johnny Depp, Tom Crusie, 畢比特等等是同級呢.!!!!!!!!!!!
This one is a must watch!! please do not miss it!!!!!
Ken Resurrected
It is basically two movies dominating the entire box office chart, but the surprise is that MR POPPER’s PENGUINS would be the other ‘big’ movie.
At least THE TREE OF LIFE is doing well, but that was about the only movie alternative to your traditional Hollywood blockbusters doing well.
By this time, there were already four successful American comedies and two animation titles released this summer, and only THE HANGOVER PART 2 was released in Hong Kong.
Go figure!
若果《孤島驚魂》宣傳呢套係笑劇的話 , 應該會有更高的票房 -_-
現時直指衰鬼上帝的數字, 但能否達到仍然成疑
lol, r u serious?
Ken Resurrected
Allow me to keep repeating myself. MR POPPER’S PENGUINS is doing what it did because of really strange scheduling decisions, and less because of Jim Carrey’s drawing power.
It seems Hong Kong does not know how to handle distribution of family oriented/kid-friendly movies at all, if the Easter holidays was an early indication. They decided to only let one minor player opened against one of TRANSFORMERS 3 first two weekends.
Jim Carrey’s last few live action movies (dating back to 2004) all finishes with around HK$10 million, and MR POPPERS’ PENGUINS may now pose to double that amount. It is true that HARRY POTTER finale debuts next week, but we cannot compare them directly because they appeal to different market segments. PENGUINS can still compete next week, until KUNG FU PANDA 2 arrives.
I don’t care which distributors handling which movies in Hong Kong, but it is just bad for consumers. All other movies will get less time to be screened in the crowded summer, not to mention many summer film festivals taking over part of August’s screen time.
Johnny Depp 及 Tom Crusie 有多片本地曾收逾二千萬以上,占基利有多少部片本地能收逾二千萬以上?
黑癲鵝先生票房乎合預期,占基利個人表演魅力+家庭片的叫座力.以喜劇類計在香港算是最叫座的荷里活明星,另一相當叫座的喜劇類明星是rowen atkinson即mr. bean.但mr. bean電影產量不多,但mr. bean大電影和johnny english(續集應快上映)在香港都相當賣得,由他擔正的喜劇電影都有票房保證(甚至水準比占基利電影票房更穩定).另一個是adam sandler,票房上落後於上述二位.
路雲艾堅遜的喜劇本地票房確是比占基利更穩定,mr.bean’s hoiday 曾收逾二千萬是占基利擔正的電影仍未收到此數.
占基利十多年來仍是本地最叫座的荷里活喜劇明星,九十年代另有 Robin Williams 與其爭鋒.
另外近年 Ben Stiller 也是本地較受落的荷里活喜劇明星,adam sandler 自從’click’後於本地漸受落.
變形金剛:黑月降臨 12日內順利踢走 功夫 打入本地最賣座電影五甲(全是荷李活片,三部3D),取代 侏羅紀公園 成為第四名.十五日七千萬有望,但埋單破 反斗奇兵3 近九千萬票房仍非易事.
黑癲鵝先生 是今年霍士在本地發行上又一出色表演(前有《黑天鵝》和《異形第一戰》,且看下月《猩凶革命》會否又創佳績?)
黑癲鵝先生 首四天票房確實將占基利及家庭片的叫座力良好結合,坊間首輪普遍口碑不俗繼後走勢無須擔心.(奇怪此片四天後才出現票房意料之內
等馬後砲式抽水言論,事前只見冷待看淡甚至不放入眼內)同類片十年前的 一家之鼠超力仔 已大收千八萬,且看此片能否成為占基利擔正掛帥本地最高票房?(變相怪傑第一,衰鬼上帝第二)
今個暑期主流荷里活片相信只有S8未逾千萬(那些所謂非3D效應今趟巳不見多提,但單靠檔期 黑癲鵝先生也不會造就如此票房),黑癲鵝先生 老幼咸宜在觀眾層面上其實並不狹窄.
Ken Resurrected
All the talk for it to reach HK$100 million now is insane after its 2nd weekend crash (albeit reasonable) facing a minor player that nonetheless was successful counter-programming. TRANSFORMERS 3 definitely will crash higher when HARRY POTTER 7 debuted. And Dreamworks/Paramount stablemate KUNG FU PANDA 2 will open 2 weeks from now.
Look at logic. How can TRANSFORMERS 3 secure its screens to get a late run momentum as strong as PIRATES 3D when there is so much big competition? It cannot even get an above average second Thursday hold facing off MR POPPERS’ PENGUINS!!
定係6隻可愛企鵝的號召力?呢套戲就算係owen wilson我都一樣會想睇~
Ken Resurrected
I already said that the marketing team just borrowed the Chinese title from studio stablemate BLACK SWAN, and commented that Fox is having a great year in HK.
Stop comparing movie box office from 10 years ago. It is no longer relevant. Market circumstances are completely different.
The exhibitors decide to push PIRATES 3D and dump SUPER 8 on its third weekend, as explained by one of my fellow english posters, seemingly wanting to cease all talk that 3D is dying. LMFAO. SUPER 8 will just narrowly misses HK$10 million, and it still has performed ahead of other Alien movies.
Again, you are siding with the status quo because that helps distributors make the most money and solidify market domination. Whether or not this is good for consumer choice is never discussed. You even say you support Hollywood domination, but you never addresses the problem of the wrong movies dominating. You obviously work in the industry and support this non-sense. Ryan’s blog is not about pro-commercialism, and box office discussion is not purely about that either.
呢個禮拜 BEA IMAX 都會放映三場變形金剛
一周最多平super 8, 衝破千萬未必
Ken Resurrected
And you are very approving of it too. That says a lot. In fact, you have been very supportive of that ever since I first saw you posting 1.5 year ago. You have been craving for this all the time. LMFAO.
Ken Resurrected
That is why it is unhealthy. You people in the industry manipulate what is supplied in the market. The public is then being misled into thinking what is available is the best they can be offered.
Of course most people does not treat movie seriously, just as entertainment.
The more well-informed and selective movie fans are all sidelined by this so-called collective mainstream interest, and it is only going to get worse.
At least TRANSFORMERS 3 wasn’t having good legs on its second week, but the exhibitors will certainly continue to ‘experiment’.
Sooner or later, we will be seeing less movie choices when we should be seeing a lot of them, especially during the peak movie season that is summer.
we all know you are not against Hollywood, you love Hollywood films so much too. you say you are just worried that the wrong types of Hollywood movies dominated Hong Kong , we all know you refer to 3D ONLY as it requires more money to pay, you are so calculated that you hate 3D only because of this reason.
But if a non 3D Hollywood films (e.g. fast 5) dominate the market that you like , you must support it in other way. Don’t pretent you hate Hollywood Domination, if fast 5 DOMINATE the market ,you would say Hk AUDIENCE follow the trend of world (great!),you just don’t like higher ticket price only.I agree nothing to watch last week is totally a very weak argument , tree of life and certified copy are good quality movies showed since last week.you make an illusion again to cheat people buy your comments, but we point out your wrong mistakes as you never admit and correct.
Hey , ken , I can tell you one more , FAST 6 is a 3D movie soon , please don’t watch it and keep your money back in your pocket.
And don’t watch Martin Scorsese,Steven Spielberg, Ang LEE,Wim Wenders,Werner Herzog new films , their new films all are 3D. You care about money more that film’s quality,it is your lose we all don’t care. But please respect our freedom of choices, we have money and passion to spend money on 3D.
passing by
Another bullshit post from our lovely ken, LMFAO.
Ken Resurrected
Can you be a little bit creative and not copy my term, at least to keep things entertaining?
Ken Resurrected
If the 3D movies are available in 2D, I can still choose the see the 2D version. The problem is 2D is not widely available, thus 2D share box office is not high in HK at all, whereas 2D share of 3D movies in North America are sometimes as high as 40-50%, but you can only get a higher 2D share if there are enough screenings, which Hong Kong exhibitors don’t want to do, obviously!!
My comment was made because FAST & FURIOUS movies were never big hits in the Hong Kong market. Before FAST 5 arrives, the previous major Hollywood overachiever was the 3D SANCTUM, a movie that did not do that well in almost all other major international markets. Hence when FAST 5 unexpectedly did so well in HK, it prompt me to comment that Hong Kong audiences at least are catching up. That’s really what I meant, for better or worse.
How many screenings these movies get out of all available screens and theatres? And who are you referring to as ‘we’?
As long as a fair amount of 2D movies will be continuously available and in many more available screens, then these talents can go ahead to make whatever they want, and I can continue to see whatever I want.
The bottom line is the availability of choice. 2D and 3D can and should co-exist. Chinese language movies and Hollywood movies and independent world wide titles can all co-exist, but obviously the less advantageous movies must receive better treatment and needs to be carefully nurtured to survive. And the current distribution environment is heading towards the wrong direction, and consumers does not realize it yet.