先來看看情況,是次午夜場於四大院線也有選映,不過由於不是每家戲院也有放映午夜場關係,故此有意觀看宜先查清楚場次,而優先午夜場沒有2D版本,只有3D版本,當中包括IMAX 3D版本。
然而,向來票價以「進取」見稱的百老匯院線,繼續秉承其「賺到盡,食到底」的精神,周二的優先午夜場票價並無優惠,並與平日一樣,當中Palace IFC票價更達135元,比UA Megabox的IMAX昂貴之貴,票價也只較UA iSquare IMAX相距五元。
百記在我心中, 是多次加價的始作俑者, 包括07聖誕和08賀歲的”加五蚊搶錢血案”, 而且加完又唔會減 (就是現在$65標準票價), 而各種 “片長加價” 當然又係百記發明, 因此我已經戒絕去百記也不入其會籍, 最多去下又一城看下早場, 當然好像今晚看第一類型危險則沒法.
百老匯院線現在有自己的訂價策略,只要同區無明顯競爭對手,就會用一個近乎賺盡的價錢來訂價(IFC是最佳例子).若有競爭對手就會看形勢訂價,THE ONE價錢$110等同海運,就成功打擊對手.但旺百則比UA朗豪坊貴5元,因旺角區街客甚多,相對不太怕競爭.
I Don’t really know why you keep bringing up IFC and Pacific Place and compare it to IMAX.
IFC and Pacific Place are located in the heart of the business district so naturally they are expected to have the most expensive prices. It’s more expensive than Megabox IMAX because of its location. More people can afford the higher expenses so that’s why they charge more. If you compare iSquare IMAX to Megabox IMAX, you’ll see why there’s a HK $10 difference in ticket prices…location.
百老匯院線星期三多了2D版本, 可是到了正式場又好像沒有了.
Ryan, I think you should talk about why many places that are showing Transformers in 2D are not showing this at 7-8 PM.
For example, The ONE is showing 3D Transformers on all 6 screens during the 7-8 PM slot on Wednesday. The latest showtime for the 2D version is at 4:25 PM. If anything, this is an outrage. Can you really call this a choice when theaters don’t offer you a chance to watch it at the time you want to see it?
If you look at Olympian City, Transformers 2D is playing at 7:30 but not at 10 PM. Festival Walk is showing 2D at 10 PM but not 7-8 PM. This is more reasonable.
I understand if they want to make more money off 3D but they need to give moviegoers a choice to see what version they want to see it in. It’s really ridiculous that all 6 screens are being devoted to 1 version of 1 movie in a lucrative slot.
Ken Resurrected
Thanks B for pointing out the real problems why I really do not like 3D. They should put more 2D screens available, but guess what, they won’t do that, because they need to make money. I am sure there will be more 2D screenings during off peak hours, say week day afternoons.
本人是嘉禾VIP會員,通常都習慣去嘉禾戲院看電影,一般2D電影平10元,3D電影平20元,算抵睇.但也不會抗拒幫襯其他院線戲院.如較新的THE ONE,的確在戲院設施等各方面都做得不錯,用某銀行信用卡買票也有9折(2D電影),所以也不算貴.
《變形金剛:黑月降臨》THE ONE的訂價是110元,比起觀塘區的APM更便宜5元,看起來是有點不合理的.相信主因是離THE ONE不遠就有UA iSQUARE的3D版也是110元,THE ONE要在開業初期鞏固客源訂價不能太進取.若大家都是110元一票,觀眾一般會選設施最佳,位置較好等因素,設施方面THE ONE勝,位置方面UA iSQUARE稍勝.海運則已是第三選擇,是對於我這輩老影迷的選擇.
I just remembered this but Ryan, Paramount stated that theaters must show this in 3D or else they will not be allowed to show Transformers 3 at all.
I can post the link if you want.
Ken Resurrected
HK$135 for a first run 3D movie in the most expensive area of Hong Kong is understandable. Palace IFC is not even a large cinema. I think AMC Pacific Place’s ticket prices may be as bad. Then again, those people who drive may prefer to go to Cyberport where prices are among the cheapest on Hong Kong Island.
Still, some of these ticket prices are absurdly high.
I know here may not be the best place to ask about this. But I watched Batman – Black Knight in MegaBox iMax. I have to say what an utter disappointment. Curved screen with “crappy” LCD projector!! Form all my iMax / big screen experiences from overseas, I have to wonder, is the iMax in HK real iMax!