







The Grand推出電影配套主題活動




  1. Ken Resurrected

    THOR will narrowly miss HK$20 million. It is doing reasonably well in HK by most measures, considering how other recent 3D pics like TRON: LEGACY and the GREEN HORNET disappointed with the aid of big holidays. Among other comic movies, attendance levels should be middling as this one is in 3D while most aren’t.

    Unfortunately, to me, all 3D movies will now forever be measured unfavourably to SANCTUM, the never expected to be moneymaker that gross over HK$20 million here.

    Our attention should now shift to what kind of damage PIRATES will bring to THE DETECTIVE 2 and FAST FIVE. Good news is that regardless of how strong PIRATES could be, THE DETECTIVE 2 stands a good chance to come close to matching its predecessor’s HK$5.5 million gross (should go further to HK$6-7 million if word of mouth is not too bad), whereas FAST FIVE will now attempt to outgross its predecessor by around 200%, reaching HK$13 million or higher.

  2. queen

    《狂野時速5》勁呀! 第二週仲可以keep到! B+的場次仲多過《狂野時速5》票房認真麻麻, 仲以為最少也有350萬, 比預期更低!

  3. 最愛動漫


  4. Ken Resurrected

    queen :
    《狂野時速5》勁呀! 第二週仲可以keep到! B+的場次仲多過《狂野時速5》票房認真麻麻, 仲以為最少也有350萬, 比預期更低!

    B+ is doing pretty well for a HK movie. On Thursday I already suggested that FAST FIVE would take overall #1 by Sunday, and B+ did post a nice surge too.

    As much as I am a fan of FAST FIVE, I don’t understand how you can expect B+ can gross HK$3.5 million in 4 days when it only opened with HK$420K on Thursday, without any sneak previews. I think grossing HK$2.76 million in its first 4 days is terrific.

    As long as B+ can match its predecessor’s HK$5.5 million gross, I consider it mission accomplished, and of course would be nice to see it reach HK$6 million and higher, but competition is fierce, so we need to have reasonable expectations.

  5. queen

    Ken Resurrected :
    queen :《狂野時速5》勁呀! 第二週仲可以keep到! B+的場次仲多過《狂野時速5》票房認真麻麻, 仲以為最少也有350萬, 比預期更低!

    B+ is doing pretty well for a HK movie. On Thursday I already suggested that FAST FIVE would take overall #1 by Sunday, and…

    大哥, B+星期六日加場次咁多, 超過250場喎, 四日連350萬都無? 《狂野時速5》已經第二週啦. 得一部天神係新戲同B+競爭.

  6. B

    Ken Resurrected :
    THOR will narrowly miss HK$20 million. It is doing reasonably well in HK by most measures, considering how other recent 3D pics like TRON: LEGACY and the GREEN HORNET disappointed with the aid of big…

    “Never expected to be moneymaker?”

    Oh please. Slap James Cameron’s name and his top grossing movies around, and you’ll get a 2.5 million hit. People were obviously mistaking him as the director of this film. The only thing that he did was provide the technology/equipment that he used for Avatar. About 25% of the trailer was spent on marketing his name alone when he had nothing to do with the project.

    Predictions for next weekend

    The Detective 2 falls -65% or more (The predecessor fell 59% with no big blockbuster out 2nd weekend, signalling that it’s a frontloaded franchise + the sequel’s opening is much bigger suggesting more frontloadedness)

    At least a -75% drop for Priest (Legion fell 92% but that was with 2 blockbusters; this time, only 1 is coming out so less screens will get cut but WOM isn’t great)

    Fast Five survives with at least -60% drop (Action movies tend to be hardest hit when a blockbuster comes out, but this will still have the screens to make money + it has good WOM)

    Thor falls 80% or more (Ditto along with Fast Five but even moreso with big blockbuster openings)

    Pirates: 2.6 million US ((including Wednesday night previews) — 3D and weekends will help keep it afloat but fatigue is setting in a bit.)

  7. Ken Resurrected

    B :
    Ken Resurrected :THOR will narrowly miss HK$20 million. It is doing reasonably well in HK by most measures, considering how other recent 3D pics like TRON: LEGACY and the GREEN HORNET disappointed wit…

    I wish I can agree with you, but HK is about the only over-performer out of SANCTUM’s international markets. Since HK audiences aren’t really smart movie-goers to begin with, it is an eye-opener to see some of the would be taken-for-granted 3D movies to under-perform in HK.

    I am hoping DETECTIVE 2 to reach HK$6 million, so I can’t bring myself to forecast it will drop 60%, although many HK movies under normal circumstances would easily fall by that much on its 2nd week, so you might as well be right.

    As for FAST FIVE, it may drop 70% this Thursday, but PIRATES is not getting good reviews at all on rottentomatoes, so even if it will open big, I cannot imagine it will get good word of mouth in HK at this point, so it may not have legs. We’ll see.

  8. Ken Resurrected

    queen : 大哥, B+星期六日加場次咁多, 超過250場喎, 四日連350萬都無? 《狂野時速5》已經第二週啦. 得一部天神係新戲同B+競爭…

    Actually 《B+偵探》performs about the same as 《單身男女》did on its first 4 days, but even 《單身男女》could not reach the amount of HK$3.5 million with aid of sneak previews.

    That is why I say you have unreasonable expectations, or you are here to play down a satisfactory performance of 《B+偵探》.

    Your statement reminds of our so-called box office expert Mr shtmanhk, who have the habit of putting down HK movie performance.

  9. B

    Ken Resurrected I am hoping DETECTIVE 2 to reach HK $ 6 million, so I can’t bring myself to forecast it will drop 60%, although many HK movies under normal circumstances would easily fall by that much on its 2nd week, so you might as well be right.

    As for FAST FIVE, it may drop 70% this Thursday, but PIRATES is not getting good reviews at all on rottentomatoes, so even if it will open big, I cannot imagine it will get good word of mouth in HK at this point, so it may not have legs. We’ll see.

    My drop for The Detective 2 may have been a bit too harsh but the first one fell 59% with no blockbuster opening in its 2nd weekend. Trends are made to be broken but this doesn’t seem like the type of movie to have great legs, especially when it’s being released a week before a blockbuster comes out. I really don’t know about its WOM, but just reading around, it looks mixed.

    If anything, Fast Five is more likely to drop 70% on Saturday/Sunday than Thursday in my opinion. Not only did Fast Five have great holds on both days but its Thursday dropped 34% the week before in admissions. Add to that Pirates being a weekend/children’s film and it’s more likely that theatres are going to schedule more Pirate showtimes on Saturday/Sunday than Thursday/Friday.

  10. B

    Forgot to mention one more thing.

    For an established franchise like Pirates, negative reviews won’t do much to deter people from seeing it. I agree with you on its prospects though. The 2nd and 3rd Pirates films had their OW’s account for about 50% of the total gross. I feel that with the 3D and the extra competition this year, Pirates is gonna have a hard time getting over a 2 multiplier.

  11. P仔


  12. shtmanhk


    今個暑假首部荷李活 popcorn 大片周四殺到,B+偵探也減了一定場次.


    殺人犯 521萬(?萬)
    父子 267萬(?萬)
    三岔口 267萬(?萬)
    C+偵探 256萬(57萬)
    全城戒備 166萬(?萬)

    龍鳳鬥 653萬(189萬)
    向左走向右走 613萬(116萬)
    黑社會 571萬(166萬)
    以和為貴 560萬(135萬)
    大事件 408萬(107萬)
    神探 381萬(115萬)
    單身男女 338萬(?萬)
    柔道龍虎榜 294萬(83萬)
    文雀 282萬(80萬)
    放.逐 262萬(79萬)
    鐵三角 239萬(68萬)
    復仇 95萬(?萬)
    蝴蝶飛 64萬(17萬)

    機動部隊 228萬(61萬)
    跟蹤 196萬(53萬)

    竊聽風雲 531萬(?萬)
    導火線 389萬(101萬)
    鎗王之王 374萬(?萬)
    保持通話 361萬(108萬)
    生日快樂 270萬(69萬)
    意外 268(?萬)
    一個好爸爸 265萬(81萬)

    十分愛 519萬(122萬)
    我的最愛 399萬(191萬)
    保持愛你 306萬(?萬)
    獨家試愛 195萬(50萬)

    童夢奇緣 684萬(202萬)
    再說一次我愛你 486萬(139萬)

    魔幻廚房 428萬(107萬)
    大搜查之女 383萬(79萬)

    花好月圓 568萬(160萬)
    千杯不醉 450萬(137萬)
    天生一對 406萬(118萬)
    每當變幻時 314萬(96萬)

    江湖 694萬(175萬)
    新宿事件 558萬(?萬)
    Laughing 520萬(?萬)
    忘不了 520萬(167萬)
    如果愛 510 萬(141萬)
    傷城 500萬(?萬)
    歲月神偷 480萬(?萬)
    男兒本色 460萬(131萬)
    情義兩心知 350萬(93萬)
    早熟 256萬(72萬)


    B+偵探 276萬(?萬)

  13. shtmanhk


    殺人犯 521萬(?萬)
    父子 267萬(?萬)
    三岔口 267萬(?萬)
    C+偵探 256萬(57萬)
    全城戒備 166萬(?萬)

    龍鳳鬥 653萬(189萬)
    向左走向右走 613萬(116萬)
    黑社會 571萬(166萬)
    以和為貴 560萬(135萬)
    大事件 408萬(107萬)
    神探 381萬(115萬)
    單身男女 338萬(?萬)
    柔道龍虎榜 294萬(83萬)
    文雀 282萬(80萬)
    放.逐 262萬(79萬)
    鐵三角 239萬(68萬)
    復仇 95萬(?萬)
    蝴蝶飛 64萬(17萬)

    機動部隊 228萬(61萬)
    跟蹤 196萬(53萬)

    竊聽風雲 531萬(?萬)
    導火線 389萬(101萬)
    鎗王之王 374萬(?萬)
    保持通話 361萬(108萬)
    生日快樂 270萬(69萬)
    意外 268(?萬)
    一個好爸爸 265萬(81萬)

    十分愛 519萬(122萬)
    我的最愛 399萬(191萬)
    保持愛你 306萬(?萬)
    獨家試愛 195萬(50萬)

    童夢奇緣 684萬(202萬)
    再說一次我愛你 486萬(139萬)

    魔幻廚房 428萬(107萬)
    大搜查之女 383萬(79萬)

    花好月圓 568萬(160萬)
    千杯不醉 450萬(137萬)
    天生一對 406萬(118萬)
    每當變幻時 314萬(96萬)

    江湖 694萬(175萬)
    新宿事件 558萬(?萬)
    Laughing 520萬(?萬)
    忘不了 520萬(167萬)
    如果愛 510 萬(141萬)
    傷城 500萬(?萬)
    歲月神偷 480萬(?萬)
    男兒本色 460萬(131萬)
    情義兩心知 350萬(93萬)
    早熟 256萬(72萬)


    B+偵探 276萬(?萬)

  14. shtmanhk




    狂野1十年前本地反應一般,但由此片走紅的雲狄素02年擔正重男性口味 3X 已收逾五百萬;03年第二集雲狄素缺席,僅比第一集略好;06年第三集人面全非,但受惠頭文字D效應及荷李活片漸盛收多一倍;兩年前第四集原班人馬回歸,但也只是比第三集收多不足百萬.此系列本地一向普通,但去到第五集竟能反彈翻生收多一倍以上.



    通天奇兵 927萬(?萬)

    轟天猛將 903萬(?萬)

    3X 440萬(34萬)

    狂野時速 —
    狂野時速2 134萬(10萬)
    狂野時速3 340萬(16萬)
    狂野時速4 374萬(?萬)
    狂野時速5 995萬(?萬)

  15. Ken Resurrected

    B :
    Forgot to mention one more thing.
    For an established franchise like Pirates, negative reviews won’t do much to deter people from seeing it. I agree with you on its prospects though. The 2nd and 3rd P…

    Hong Kong movie-goers do not have any trustworthy film critics to look upon, whereas North America people can reference Rotten Tomatoes.

  16. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    狂野1十年前本地反應一般,但由此片走紅的雲狄素02年擔正重男性口味 3X 已收逾五百萬;03年第二集雲狄素缺席,僅比第一集略好;06年第三集人面全非,但受惠頭文字D效應及荷李活片漸盛收多一倍;兩年前第四集原班人馬回歸,但也只是比第三集收多不足百萬.此系列本地一向普通,但去到第五集竟能反彈翻生收多一倍以上.


    There you go again. FAST FIVE is a worldwide phenomenom. It does not have too many special effects, the stunts look real, the scenery is real.

    FAST FIVE is performing on its own merits. I don’t see all people flocking to all types of Hollywood movies. We have several Hollywood disappointments this year, namely SUCKER PUNCH, ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. TRON LEGACY and THE GREEN HORNET also underperformed despite aid of big holidays.

    You tend to generalize things too much, and it is bother on offensive.

  17. Johnnie Lo

    shtmanhk :
    殺人犯 521萬(?萬)父子 267萬(?萬)三岔口 267萬(?萬)C+偵探 256萬(57萬)全城戒備 166萬(?萬)
    龍鳳鬥 653萬(189萬)向左走向右走 613萬(116萬)黑社會 571萬(166萬)以和為貴 560萬(135萬)大事件 408萬(107萬)神探 381萬(115萬)單身男女 338萬(?萬)柔道龍虎榜 294萬(83萬)文…

    單身男女累積總票房是多少? Thanks

  18. Ho

    shtmanhk :
    殺人犯 521萬(?萬)父子 267萬(?萬)三岔口 267萬(?萬)C+偵探 256萬(57萬)全城戒備 166萬(?萬)
    龍鳳鬥 653萬(189萬)向左走向右走 613萬(116萬)黑社會 571萬(166萬)以和為貴 560萬(135萬)大事件 408萬(107萬)神探 381萬(115萬)單身男女 338萬(?萬)柔道龍虎榜 294萬(83萬)文…

    同幾年前的票房相比, 有沒有想到票價已經調整了?

  19. Rat

    Johnnie Lo :
    shtmanhk :首4日累積票房(首周日單日票房):殺人犯 521萬(?萬)父子 267萬(?萬)三岔口 267萬(?萬)C+偵探 256萬(57萬)全城戒備 166萬(?萬)龍鳳鬥 653萬(189萬)向左走向右走 613萬(116萬)黑社會 571萬(166萬)以和為貴 560萬(135萬)大事件 408萬(107萬)神探 381萬(115萬)單身男女 338萬(?萬)柔道龍虎榜 294萬(…


  20. 說出事實

    Ken Resurrected :
    FAST FIVE is performing on its own merits. I don’t see all people flocking to all types of Hollywood movies. We have several Hollywood disappointments this year, namely SUCKER PUNCH, ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. TRON LEGACY and THE GREEN HORNET also underperformed despite aid of big holidays.




    Yes…Fast Five只是偶然一部香港票房多於預期的美國電影而已,yes…偶然一部!

  21. shtmanhk

    Johnnie Lo :
    單身男女累積總票房是多少? Thanks




  22. shtmanhk

    報應 已收逾二百萬,銀河電影近年票房第三低.踏入荷李活片一直佔據的五月有此成績其實不箅太差,寰亞今個五月兩片殊途相信也同歸.



    龍鳳鬥 1275萬(87萬)
    黑社會 1162萬(96萬)
    向左走向右走 1040萬(74萬)
    以和為貴 1119萬(44萬)
    神探 855萬(81萬)
    單身男女 820萬(?萬)
    大事件 665萬(28萬)
    柔道龍虎榜 653萬(42萬)
    文雀 492萬(24萬)
    鐵三角 464萬(34萬)
    放.逐 449萬(28萬)
    復仇 162萬(?萬)
    蝴蝶飛 106萬(?萬)

    跟蹤 340萬(21萬)

    意外 459萬(?萬)

    天生一對 793萬(67萬)
    每當變幻時 710萬(60萬)
    機動部隊 364萬(?萬)

    報應 206萬(?萬)

  23. Cha

    今日嘉禾港威及黃埔B+包場了? 好壯觀, 哈哈

  24. Cha

    Cha :
    今日嘉禾港威及黃埔B+包場了? 好壯觀, 哈哈


  25. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    報應 已收逾二百萬,銀河電影近年票房第三低.踏入荷李活片一直佔據的五月有此成績其實不箅太差,寰亞今個五月兩片殊途相信也同歸.
    龍鳳鬥 1275萬(87萬)黑社…

    Stop throwing these random numbers, it does not make your anaylsis any more valid. It just makes the comments overlong and tedious.

  26. so fake !

    shtmanhk :


    As I said before, someone here who claims hk audience not support hk films is a fake person. He is wearing a mask , pretend do support hk films , in fact he just likes most hk audience always support hollywood films.

    He does not support hollywood 3D films BUT does support hollywood 2D mainstream films ,because the ticket price of 3D films is expensive only and just like cheating audience’s money .Typical calculated hk guys just like that and like to watch morning shows because of cheaper ticket price. But if you ask that fake person what hk films he had watched for the past few weeks, the answer is zero or wait DVD. But he would spend money and shows his love on hollywood mainstream films,at the same time he still claims hk audience do not support hk films. ryan, paul , rat can claim hk audience like this , but fake hk films supporters no way ! I support hk films even they are bad quality , and cut my budgets less on other areas in order to watch more local productions instead of typical formula ,nonsense without nutrient hollywood films.

  27. Ken Resurrected

    so fake ! :
    shtmanhk :

    As I said before, someone here who claims hk au…

    I spend HK$70 at UA Times Square to support 《出軌的女人》 when so many people here trash it.

    I support 《單身男女》at HK$65 (with BC discount) when a lot of box office watchers here are discouraging people from seeing it and playing down its box office prospects.

    I may not see every HK movie, but I see movies that interest me.

    That does not make me fake.

    And why can’t I also see Hollywood 2D movies? I like see all sorts of movies.

    I will be away from HK for several months soon, and might not come here too often, otherwise I would go see 《不再讓你孤單》in a movie theatre.

    You are such a coward for calling me fake. You are a nobody who just come out and take cheap shots. Shame on you.

  28. 沙田友

    so fake ! :
    As I said before, someone here who claims hk audience not support hk films is a fake person. He is wearing a mask , pretend do support hk films , in fact he just likes most hk audience always support hollywood films.

    He does not support hollywood 3D films BUT does support hollywood 2D mainstream films ,because the ticket price of 3D films is expensive only and just like cheating audience’s money .Typical calculated hk guys just like that and like to watch morning shows because of cheaper ticket price. But if you ask that fake person what hk films he had watched for the past few weeks, the answer is zero or wait DVD. But he would spend money and shows his love on hollywood mainstream films,at the same time he still claims hk audience do not support hk films. ryan, paul , rat can claim hk audience like this , but fake hk films supporters no way ! I support hk films even they are bad quality , and cut my budgets less on other areas in order to watch more local productions instead of typical formula ,nonsense without nutrient hollywood films.

    呢條友成日都係雙重標準,俾多d錢睇3D唔arm佢ge斤斤計較口味,佢就剷到你上天dumb dumb聲,我俾錢not yr business,你孤寒cheap就睇唔過眼人地肯科水,有冇攪錯?arm佢口味2D就唔會剷,fast 5咪日吹夜吹law,呢d咪一樣係荷里活啤机出品,仲崇洋過人當rotten tomatoes神咁拜,佢話好就好話差就差,唔跟鬼佬標準口味就話香港人睇戲冇taste,乜野都俾你干涉乜都睇唔過眼,長篇大論但係冇料到個下先死!

    另外早排pixar個篇踩沙田d人質素差過中環令我好火滾,你自卑覺得ifc出沒ga人一定高人一等,但沙田都好多中產屋苑,有乜理由人民質數差過中環,呢d擺明地區歧視,自卑ga人先會覺得中環乜野都high class過人,覺得自己高攀唔起就貶低其他人,仲一句sorry都冇真係火都黎!


  29. Ken Resurrected

    沙田友 :
    so fake ! :As I said before, someone here who claims hk audience not support hk films is a fake person. He is wearing a mask , pretend do support hk films , in fact he just likes most hk audience alwa…

    Another coward using another identity. Why not directly quote my message and respond?

  30. Ken Resurrected

    沙田友 :
    so fake ! :As I said before, someone here who claims hk audience not support hk films is a fake person. He is wearing a mask , pretend do support hk films , in fact he just likes most hk audience alwa…

    I am impressed that you are obsessed about what I like and what I don’t like. I did not realize I will be stalked. LOL


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