先來看看對票房走勢極為敏感的百老匯院線,原本周四起觀塘Palace apm已抽起不播《第一誡》,可是電影卻由周末起再繼續播放午夜場,而周一更加映一起日場的場次。而旺角百老匯亦安排放周一加映一場日場。
再看看九龍站的The Grand Cinema,周四原本只安排《第一誡》播放一場,到了周末卻腰斬了《大四喜》,將其場次撥給《第一誡》,同時間不屬任何院線的馬鞍山戲院仍加入聯映,聯同原來播放的元朗、粉嶺、華懋及巴倫紐米,上映戲院增至八間。
one people:請問知不知道palace apm再播《第一誡》的內情呢?
one people: 多謝補充,也由此看到戲院的高市場導向度了。
one people
APm re-run due to many reasons and
Ma On Shan join the show is very special too
Need your support to build up the 3rd week schedule and get close file to The Strangers
Ma On Shan showtime : 14:20 / 17:45 / 21:30
9/14 add midnight show 23:30
one people
By the way, if any of you want to see this film in regular time in MK & APm, please share your opinion in here, otherwise they will only play midnight show until the end
one people
Here is other 4 cinema showtime
元朗、12:30 / 14:30 / 19:30 / 21:30
粉嶺 12:30 / 14:30 / 17:30 / 19:30 / 21:30
華懋 14:20 / 16:10 / 21:50 / 23:50 / 01:40 / 03:30
巴倫紐米 12:30 / 18:00 / 21:30
one people
since Midnight show income is larger than The Strangers , so there is no reason to stop this film and re-run again
Also, by comparing 1 show for strangers & 1 midnight show for rule# 1, Rule# 1 still win The strangers, so how can the cinema stop rule# 1 showtime