值得注意的是,在不少獲六個影廳的影院裡,便安排其中四個影廳放映《加》片,而九龍站的The Grand也拿了一半影廳來放映。《加》片票房高但入座不高,主因是電影在3D之上以136分鐘的「片長」再作上調所致,其實也是以量取勝。《加》片的票房看似不俗,也許跟近期欠缺重心不無關係。
在《加》片強勢開畫下,其餘電影的票房均在廿萬以下。當中第三周上映的《狂野時速5》現算是理想,於38院映121場下,周四錄得19萬,累積則達1,120萬,成績算是有所交代。至於上周開畫的《B+偵探》安排於39院映165場,獲得18萬的成績,不過除了UA朗豪坊及百老匯The ONE分別錄得二萬一千及萬二外,其餘各院收入不足一萬, 觀乎八天累積達386萬,看來電影或會以五百萬作為票房目標。而上周上映的另一港片《算吧啦,老豆!》周四至五院映八場,畺達八千四百,不過只有影藝收入達四位數字,未知是否有包場情況,電影累積八天則達12萬。
與《加》片同期開畫的澳洲電影《野獸家族》,首天安排於Palace IFC與百老匯電影中心各映五場,錄得票房一萬四千,算是不俗的成績,不過有趣的是,電影於Palace IFC與百老匯電影中心的入座相若,跟過去於該兩院上映電影以百老匯電影中心票房較佳有所不同。
p.s. 3D《鐵達尼號》2012年4月6日面世:
阿凡達 262萬(連優先場首日累收368萬)
小人國大歷險 225萬
人.神.魔戰 223萬
愛麗絲夢遊仙境 220萬
地心探險記 132萬
生化危機3D 125萬
潛行深淵 118萬
死神4來了 115萬
舞出真我3D 114萬
創戰紀 113萬
變種食人倉3D 80萬
B+偵探首8日累積票房和 意外,放.逐,生日快樂,一個好爸爸 等相若,B+偵探次周四單日票房比意外及放.逐高,但低於生日快樂及一個好爸爸(兩片皆是嘉樂),B+偵探 如像兩片般收逾七百萬後勁需加強.
神探 607萬(52萬)
單身男女 593萬(39萬)
大事件 580萬(19萬)
柔道龍虎榜 528萬(38萬)
文雀 416萬(29萬)
放.逐 375萬(13萬)
鐵三角 361萬(23萬)
復仇 138萬(5萬)
蝴蝶飛 —
天生一對 594萬(33萬)
每當變幻時 546萬(35萬)
意外 378萬(14萬)
機動部隊 320萬(12萬)
跟蹤 286萬(12萬)
竊聽風雲 804萬(53萬)
導火線 600萬(36萬)
鎗王之王 524萬(23萬)
生日快樂 392萬(26萬)
一個好爸爸 389萬(25萬)
保持通話 —
十分愛 716萬(38萬)
我的最愛 645萬(68萬)
保持愛你 388萬(9萬)
獨家試愛 296萬(20萬)
再說一次我愛你 691萬(36萬)
大搜查之女 536萬(24萬)
千杯不醉 723萬(48萬)
情義兩心知 572萬(30萬)
早熟 473萬(43萬)
殺人犯 768萬(41萬)
三岔口 429萬(19萬)
父子 373萬(20萬)
C+偵探 366萬(15萬)
全城戒備 245萬(14萬)
B+偵探 386萬(18萬)
Through Saturday, Pirates has not done enough to beat AWE and DMC’s opening weekends. It is lagging behind both and it does not bode well for its chances of making 5m US (HK $39 million).
The Detective 2 and Fast Five have both fell just a bit better than where I thought. It is looking like The Detective 2 will fall 60% for the weekend and Fast Five around 55-60%. Priest got clobbered and will probably drop more than 80% in gross.
Sex & Zen is doing very well. It has not dropped below 50% in admissions this weekend at all and could fall less than 50% even with Pirates opening.
I meant Sex & Zen has not dropped above 50% at all so far…
Above not below. My mistake.
Ken Resurrected
THOR dropped close to 90% this week, but it will manage to cross
HK$19 million. It is funny this marks the 2nd film in recent months
that a film was expected to cross the HK$20 million milestone but
both ultimately failed short (the other one is BLACK SWAN).
PIRATES 3D opening to HK$2.6 million is definitely in line with
expectations. Grossing in the vicinity of HK$2.5 million on opening
Thursday now seems to be a prerequisite for any movie with aspirations
to be a true HK blockbuster. The question now is, will it cross
HK$30 million? The movie is once again getting disappointing
reviews on rottentomatoes, so will HK audience care? If not, will those
absurd ticket prices hurt?
DETECTIVE 2 and FAST FIVE both dropped 58-59%, which to me is a very good
hold consider the PIRATES attack. If both movies continue to see a weekend
surge, it shows both movies do have word of mouth, especially DETECTIVE 2,
if with a normal multiplier of 15, it will finish with at least HK$6
million. Why? Because even 《報應》have so far gross 14 times its opening
Thursday of HK$160K and still counting.
PRIEST dropping by 80% is not surprising, I think these sci-fi thrillers
with horror violent elements without much female appeal tend to top out at
HK$5 million.
JUST GO WITH IT manages to reach almost HK$4 million, which is funny, since
Ryan never give this movie a mention since its opening during Easter.
Especially interesting this week is the longevity of 《3D肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑》,
which had grossed an additional HK$1.66 million since last Thursday,
so it definitely have legs to cross HK$38 million!! Amazing.
Finally, SOURCE CODE is still in the top 10, with HK$150K to go before crossing
HK$9 million, also very impressive.
Ken Resurrected
PIRATES 3D’s opening Thursday is a nice figure, and I consider it acceptable, simply because there should be franchise fatigue by this stage. However, it is still a strong franchise, so nobody will expect it to crash on its 2nd weekend like THOR did, so reaching HK$39 million with a multiplier effect of roughly 14-15 (sneak previews of 1.3 million only boosted multiplier by 0.5) remains optimistic.
通天奇兵 1047萬(17萬)
轟天猛將 975萬(7萬)
狂野時速 —
狂野時速2 144萬(1萬)
狂野時速3 357萬(1萬)
狂野時速4 —
狂野時速5 1120萬(19萬)
Pirates 3 still fell 60% in its 2nd weekend with no competition. Pirates 4 falling 60% is not of the question but with the deflated opening, it may fall only 55%. Then Pirates 4 will have to deal with X-Men and Hangover 2 in its 3rd weekend. Pirates 3 fell 66% when Fantastic Four came out. X-Men should pose a bigger challenge but combine that with Hangover 2, Pirates could possibly fall 70% that weekend even with the holiday.
Ken Resurrected
That is if you can trust that movie site. That site is just for reference.
Besides, interested to know what kind of word of mouth this movie is getting. Its second week momentum is crucial.
昨天看了, 除字幕外, 根本沒3D效果可言, 故事比加3更欄, 更堆砌, 沒高潮驚喜可言, 本已本著沒期望的心態進場, 結果比失望更沮喪! 片末的10秒鐘預告更是意料之內, 真的很後悔花時間等待!
此片的續集已拍至江郎才盡, 建議這片的製作班底, 把拍加5的資金, 投資在去年同期的《波斯王子》續集, 起碼有新穎刺激的遊戲故事作基礎, 更有瞄頭呢!
The site is pretty accurate. It accounts for 80% of all movie theaters in HK. (Although I don’t know if they have started tracking MCL cinemas — if they have, that % goes up). Admissions are in line with the grosses. It’s not like if Pirates 4 had 60,000 admissions on Thursday, it would only translate to $100,000 in gross. It’s reliable enough to make a fairly good estimate on weekend gross for any film in the top 5.