




今年聖誕檔期電影,包括剛於上星期三已作優先放映的兩部荷里活製作《職業特工隊:鬼影約章》與《福探福爾摩斯:詭影遊戲》,以及下星期將公映的《吸血新世紀4破曉傳奇上集》、《龍門飛甲3D》、《花鼠明星俱樂部3》與《踢躂小企鵝2 3D》。


反而,有興趣觀看的作品,則集中於2011年的最後一個星期放映的電影,當中包括艾慕杜華新作《我的華麗皮囊》、金馬倫高爾最新作品《翻身動物園》,以及香港電影代表《Laughing Gor之潛罪犯》,而《我的華麗皮囊》與一月才正式公映,由張藝謀執導的《金陵十三釵》將於聖誕期間作優先公映,可謂對這聖誕檔期的失色添上一點的色彩。






1 Comment

  1. Alex, you have very similar sentiments to mine. I always feel that HK exhibitors do not schedule movies that I like to see during long holidays.

    Most of us movie lovers have a great time this past Autumn, as we see various sorts of non-Hollywood big budget movies from September to November, allowing surprises.

    The only movie I have a real interest in seeing is 《翻身動物園》, as I like to see if Cameron Crowe is making a comeback, and I always admire the movie choices of Matt Damon, so I am really anticipating this one, although I am worried the HK market will not be receptive, as always, to Matt Damon starrers.

    Normally I have remote interest in watching Hollywood effects/action movies, but I may be tempted to see《職業特工隊:鬼影約章》, as this one seems to be getting some sensational reviews both in American and HK radio.

    《金陵十三釵》is sort of the politically correct safe drama that I have no interest to see no matter how well made it may be. 《我的華麗皮囊》seems to be a decent choice, but as ticket admissions continue to rise, I will probably hold out seeing this one.


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