















  1. “不過,《彩虹橋》在開畫前臨時在台灣方面提供較短的新版,會否對票房構成影響仍有待觀察。”

    First of all, I don’t believe this will impact HK box office performance. Other than film lovers, who would have really notice this difference in its length of time anyway??

    《太陽旗》now runs ahead of my original pessimistic forecast of HK$2 million. Its 3rd Thursday dropoff is wonderful, given the number of screen cuts, its per screen attendance probably rises a lot. Now 《彩虹橋》actually opens around 50% higher than 《太陽旗》. That’s impressive, but any movie lovers and industry watchers should know that it is better to see the movie during its first week or as early as possible so they will not be impacted by screen cuts later on its run.

    《亞瑟少爺救聖誕》bombed big time in its opening. Now although this isn’t really considered a mainstream Hollywood production for HK standards, it further shows festive movies has limited appeal for the HK market. 3D family movies are a tough sell given the surcharges unless they are event pictures, so it is time for marketing/distribution/exhibitors to really think carefully how to open these movies, especially since the economy is going to get worse. This movie will be lucky to cross HK$2 million, as that would require a 26 times opening day multiplier.

    《丁丁歷險記》suffered a huge 50% plus decline after a disappointing opening, but that doesn’t mean it is losing steam that fast. If not because of the arrival of 《亞瑟少爺救聖誕》, it could have a better hold. Still, more festive/family movies are coming one by one soon, indicating each movie may gross lower, which is exactly a repeat of summer 2011. As none of these current or upcoming family movies are considered event movies for the HK market, none of them will break out.

    《加勒比醉愛日記》definitely is helped by Johnny Depp’s presence. The real test of the movie will be next week’s dropoff rate. The lowest grossing Johnny Depp movie in the past 5 years is 《柏納大師奇幻Show》, opening to HK$280K with more screenings and finishing with HK$4.6 million. With a more platform release than normal for a Johnny Depp movie, I am seeing 《加勒比醉愛日記》to finish with no more than 20 times its opening, or topping out at HK$2.9 million at this point.

    Finally, Edko release 《贖命》surprisingly got off to a decent start. I hope Edko is developing a formula to help nurture small movies.

  2. 下周情況更難以樂觀,甚至可能創今年新低.這兩星期讓《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》《作死不離3兄弟》《丁丁歷險記》三片作最後衝刺,12月中兩部聖誕最大片率先對決則和07年 投名狀 vs I am Legend 相似.


  3. Song :
    下周情況更難以樂觀,甚至可能創今年新低.這兩星期讓《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》《作死不離3兄弟》《丁丁歷險記》三片作最後衝刺,12月中兩部聖誕最大片率先對決則和07年 投名狀 vs I am Legend 相似.

    I think comparing or grouping《丁丁歷險記》with the two huge durable Autumn hits is highly inappropriate. What kind of 最後衝刺《丁丁歷險記》is trying to achieve? It is only on its 10th day of release as of now!!

    I really don’t think 洲立 cannot bargain or lobby for a longer play period despite these grosses. They can already get market domination when releasing TRANSFORMERS 3 this summer.

  4. Loi



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