Ken Resurrected
While I am very happy that the movie is doing very well, and the fact that Fox has been doing an impressive job marketing most of this year’s films in Hong Kong without help of 3D, I disagree with your (Ryan/blog) take that Fox did anything special in not moving the release schedule earlier for the HK market to coincide with the buzz it received at the summer film festival.
This is simply because Fox’s HK marketing team needs to handle promotion of its last big Hollywood summer movie – RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES which coincides with the movie’s Taiwan nation-wide release towards 3rd weekend of August. Basically it is only a 2 month delay of release.
When compare to the last major Taiwanese movie success story for HK, CAPE NO. 7 《海角七號》, the delay of release was 3 months (Aug 22, 2008 vs Nov 20, 2008), so if you take this into account, perhaps 《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》two month delay can already be described as 香港映期提前.
The strong opening of 《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》is due to excitement from the younger demographics. I doubt the movie can crossover to mature audiences, the key to explain why 《作死不離3兄弟》become such a sleeper success.
In the end, can 《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》post a leggy run? It is a good sign that the movie was able to open to HK$1.4 million on a Thursday, but it also could point to a frontloaded opening.
In any case, I understand why Ryan or any other box office watchers will be thrilled at seeing a movie able to surprise us. Last month we have 《作死不離3兄弟》making a splash, and none of us will expect we will see another exceptional performer this soon.
還有一點是, 九把刀本身是相當受歡迎的作家, 出道多年, 除了在台灣外, 在香港亦累積了很多讀者. 這部電影是他的第一部長片, 自然吸引許多他的讀者慕名入場.
霍士過去發行華語電影佳績乏善足陳,2046創下WKW當時新低及《全城熱戀熱辣辣》表現欠佳,今年 刀見笑和《全球熱戀》更是慘淡收埸,今趟只是片子的賣點完全擊中本地年青客源.
《那些年》只是偶一為之的 event movie,(九把刀本土號召力如真的這麼厲害,愛到底本地票房該不會如此凄慘),往後多部台灣電影也離以承繼無一能再創佳績甚至不乏慘淡收埸.
Ken Resurrected
–《那些年》只是偶一為之的 event movie,(九把刀本土號召力如真的這麼厲害,愛到底本地票房該不會如此凄慘),往後多部台灣電影也離以承繼無一能再創佳績甚至不乏慘淡收埸. —
I partially agree with the above take, but Taiwanese movie industry has a specialty in doing movies about innocence of the younger generation. I am sure any next Taiwanese movie with similar younger appeal should benefit from the success of 《那些年》, maybe doing similar level of business to 《海角七號》。
–《奪命金》撞正《那些年》真的無話可說,但不容忽視《奪命金》的開畫票房和優先場票房皆比《單身男女》為高 —
I agree that 《奪命金》would have opened to #1 today had it not for 《那些年》, but
I don’t necessarily thinks that《奪命金》can post a leggy run like that of 《單身男女》. My target for the movie will be crossing HK$8 million and match WALL STREET MONEY NEVER SLEEPS, which is very achievable (around 15 times multiplying is opening day grosses).
《單身男女》is the type of movie romance that translates to a leggy run when it is done right. It ultimately finish with 27 times its opening Thursday gross and close above HK$12 million.
Chinese language movies rarely have leggy runs, and the best ones always starred Louis Koo and Daniel Ng, the other movie being 《竊聽風雲2》, finishing with 20 times its opening Thursday gross of HK$1.2 million.
Having said all of the above, a 15 times opening day multiplier would mean《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》could easily hit HK$21 million, so would it be that easy, or the movie will collapse next week? I do hope the movie can crossover to more mature audiences and do a miraculous run like 3 IDIOTS.
In any case, I also wish 《奪命金》will do well and cross HK$10 million.
Ken Resurrected
That’s a very warm message. I actually feel sorry that Hong Kong did not embrace MONGA, but I am sure many movie lovers love the way Taiwanese movie industry handle coming-of-age movies. So keep making them well. ^^
香港九十年代的 記得香蕉成熟時II初戀情人 及 四個32A和一個香蕉少年 本地己收過千萬,明星掛帥的 百分百糸列 及 初戀無限touch 票房也相當不俗.現今本地主流電影人士自甘放棄這條客源,拱手相讓給別人.
原來昨日收過300萬, 戲院未見一面倒的加場情況
星期五會一次過出埋星期六日的場次 , 好難係星期六夜晚突然地加(星期日)場
此片已經成了現象級數, 收三千萬應不成問題
too early to call
Ken Resurrected
It will be a pleasant surprise if it could, but it right now it is more of a niche fanfare. Grossing HK$30 million without 3D help, means it must crossover to mainstream adult audiences.
類近規模的 event movie 上次收到三千萬,應該是1999年的 午夜凶鈴.那些年 和
午夜凶鈴 在觀眾層面的廣和闊皆有所局限,能否突破要視乎翻看情況及對抗盜版下載的能力.