













  1. Ken Resurrected

    《竊聽風雲2》posted very strong weekend numbers. On Friday I mentioned it only takes a multiplier of 13 times its opening Thursday for it to match the original《竊聽風雲》’s HK$15 million gross. Now it seems 《竊聽風雲2》has the strength to close with a 15 times multiplier, or a final gross of HK$18 million. Good luck!

    《猿人爭霸戰:猩凶革命》crossing HK$23 million is guaranteed. The question is whether it can beat X-MEN FIRST CLASS to become Fox’ highest grossing movie this year.

    《死神5來了》is said to be a better sequel than the past 2 movies in its franchise, but that is not enough to prevent a horrifyingly low weekend take. It will be the first Hollywood sequel since SCREAM 4 to significantly trail a franchise’ predecessor. Warner brothers really needs good numbers from HORRIBLE BOSSES to save face.

    《反斗車王2》’s weekend surge is much stronger than many family oriented movies this summer. Although it has just surpassed 《反斗車王》’s final gross, it is in danger of closing lower than MR POPPER’S PENGUINS, and
    it cannot even take a commendable lead over 《藍精靈》’s total gross.

    《來佬奇緣》is a huge disappointment not only in its home market, but now also in Hong Kong. HK distributors must have thought star power will save the day, but why schedule this movie in the summer? Not sure who handles the distribution of BRIDESMAIDS, but something is clearly wrong that they fail to convince exhibitors to show BRIDESMAID after HANGOVER 2’s success in HK. Instead, Universal’s domestic flop 《來佬奇緣》is chosen to close the summer for Hong Kong??!!

    I was expecting 《勁抽福祿壽》to top HK$6 million with ease as I think it has a shot at reaching HK$7 million. The competition is still weak, and there has not been enough comedies in the past 3 months. The exhibitors does not seem to have faith in the movie for whatever reasons.

    《功夫熊貓2》does not really have a shot at crossing HK$40 million. It is doomed to get a really impressive gross once MR POPPER’S PENGUINS managed to open ahead of it (not to mention it has to compete with SMURFS & CARS 2 later), but what does Inter-Continental care when its own 《變形金剛:黑月降臨》unexpectedly cross HK$80 million and even beat《哈利波特:死神的聖物2》!!

    Finally《美國隊長:復仇者先鋒》is guaranteed not crossing HK$20 million, just like THOR. It is still a nice sum no matter what, but when you look at how strong 猿人爭霸戰:猩凶革命 is doing, we know the other two marvel comics 3D movie is really underperforming. Someone just stop comparing these movies with STEP UP 3D. Don’t make me LMFAO.

  2. 草山




    死神5來了在美國是Rated R級的,香港電檢處應該在第ⅡB級和第Ⅲ級之間加入一個和Rated R級差不多的級,這會使本地分級的system更完善呢.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ken Resurrected

    草山 :

    Discussion forums maybe used by marketing people as an alternative way of promoting their movies. As box office watchers, we cannot rely on discussion forums as a measure of a movie’s potential.

    On the bright note, Hollywood horror is not always guaranteed successful in the HK market, and 死神5來了 is afterall the 4th sequel in the franchise. It will still finish higher than many other Chinese language movies, as staunch Hollywood supporter Mr Shtmanhk will remind us.

    I am just interested to know if Warner Brothers may secure more screens next week for HORRIBLE BOSSES with 死神5來了’s screen cuts?

  4. AlexL

    如果死神5來了係IIB, 一定會多好多人睇…

  5. 非非

    AlexL :

    如果死神5來了係IIB, 一定會多好多人睇…


  6. nbachung


    • Ryan


  7. taken


    數個月前的Scream 4似乎面對了類似的情況,當時是肉蒲團!!!

  8. Twister

    taken :

    數個月前的Scream 4似乎面對了類似的情況,當時是肉蒲團!!!

    May be it’s only because they are sequels of sequels of sequels of sequels of sequels… so ppl are not interested in them

  9. 甲子人

    Twister :
    May be it’s only because they are sequels of …


  10. kent

    甲子人 :
    Twister :May be it’s only because they are sequels of …



  11. gilbert1983

    ….oh, let me see. 無論如何,中文電影工業,是否真的蠢蠢慾動,老視眈眈,本地發行外語電影的機構,今後可能還是要小心翼翼,步步為營,否則可能會時不時出現滑鐵盧的現象!!!!!

  12. gilbert1983

    ….oh, let me see. 無論如何,中文電影工業,是否真的蠢蠢慾動,虎視眈眈,本地發行外語電影的機構,今後可能還是要小心翼翼,步步為營,否則可能會時不時出現滑鐵盧的現象!!!!!

  13. Ken Resurrected

    kent :
    甲子人 :Twister :May be it’s only because they are sequels of …


    Really? Does it really take a domestic/Chinese movie just HK$10 million to prevent a Hollywood movie from reaching its full potential?

    When THOR disappointed and failed to reach HK$20 million, a major box office watcher here first say that the 3D movie’s performance is still very good. After a few more weeks, when other 2D Hollywood movies did better in terms of attendance or even final gross, Mr S commented that if 《關雲長》did not open in the same weekend, THOR could have gone higher.

    The fact is that as long as Hong Kong movies does not give up and make a battle, it will definitely at least prevent Hollywood movies from reaching new heights. Everytime when Hollywood breaks a lot of records, it is when no Hong Kong movie is competing against them.

    I think a lot of people are taking it completely wrong. There is still a market for local films. A lot of people still want to see local films, as long as they are decent mainstream entertainment.

    No Hong Kong movie need to beat any Hollywood movie to be deemed ‘completely’ successful. Even if 《竊聽風雲2》did not open at #1 but gross 10-20% lower than it is now, it will still be a very good performance, because those two lead actors are over-exposed.

    The big problem is that exhibitors are very committed to distributing Hollywood movies, and they did not give 《竊聽風雲2》 any more weekend screens expansion despite a great first Thursday. For 《竊聽風雲2》to prove its worth, it needs to perform next Thursday. I hope it will drop by less than 45% in order to at least reach a 15 times multiplier and close with HK$18 million.

  14. yy

    《竊聽風雲2》在外國強片環伺下仍創出遠超越上集的票房成績, 這種奇蹟, 以前只有92年美國的TERMINATOR 2做得到!

  15. shtmanhk

    yy :
    《竊聽風雲2》在外國強片環伺下仍創出遠超越上集的票房成績, 這種奇蹟, 以前只有92年美國的TERMINATOR 2做得到!

    1. T2 91年暑假,續集比上集大收例子多不勝數.

    2.竊聽風雲上集 首4日累積票房 531萬,真的談不上’遠超’.

  16. yy

    gilbert1983 :
    ….oh, let me see. 無論如何,中文電影工業,是否真的蠢蠢慾動,虎視眈眈,本地發行外語電影的機構,今後可能還是要小心翼翼,步步為營,否則可能會時不時出現滑鐵盧的現象!!!!!

    《竊聽風雲2》已獲IFC最大的5院放映 (包括來週四開畫日), 這是極不尋常的轉變, 美國大片來到8月全線出現滑鐵盧現象!

  17. shtmanhk

    yy :
    gilbert1983 :….oh, let me see. 無論如何,中文電影工業,是否真的蠢蠢慾動,虎視眈眈,本地發行外語電影的機構,今後可能還是要小心翼翼,步步為營,否則可能會時不時出現滑鐵盧的現象!!!!!《竊聽風雲2》已獲IFC最大的5院放映 (包括來週四開畫日), 這是極不尋常的轉變, 美國大片來到8月全線出現滑鐵盧現象!

    竊聽風雲2 5院是五時後三場,今年四月 單身男女 IFC最大的5院是每日 full show.
    so what ?! 竊聽風雲2 如能 超越 猿人爭霸戰:猩凶革命 才大言不慚吧!

  18. yy

    猩凶革命是八月唯一有口碑的美國大片, 但排在暑假大檔票房還不可能勝過與六月的變種特攻4, 對觀眾來說這類特效片已吐飽和了, 甚至過時了!

  19. yy

    竊聽風雲二沒有獲得ifc 5院的full show, 並不代表吸引力不及單身男女,明眼人一看便知這是檔期問題,竊聽風雲二排在競爭激烈的暑假,場次待遇當然及不上單身男女在四月頭的冷檔.應反問的是為什麼其他美國大片沒一部奪得ifc 5院的full show呢?是不是那些片’技不如人’呢?

  20. shtmanhk

    yy :
    猩凶革命是八月唯一有口碑的美國大片, 但排在暑假大檔票房還不可能勝過與六月的變種特攻4, 對觀眾來說這類特效片已吐飽和了, 甚至過時了!

    竊聽風雲二沒有獲得ifc 5院的full show, 並不代表吸引力不及單身男女,明眼人一看便知這是檔期問題,竊聽風雲二排在競爭激烈的暑假,場次待遇當然及不上單身男女在四月頭的冷檔.應反問的是為什麼其他美國大片沒一部奪得ifc 5院的full show呢?是不是那些片’技不如人’呢?

    留待 猩凶革命 埋單票房遜於 異能第一戰 ,才大言不慚吧!

    請注意 竊聽風雲2 5院每日僅五時後三場,5院日場仍由荷李活片佔據.整個夏季直至上周四5院都是荷李活片天下,只是近數天才在手指縫中每天漏出三場給華語片.不知下趟5院華語片 FULL SHOW 要待多久? 定必告知閣下.

    另外請指出或比較過去數年8月份荷李活片的表現有否比今年8月更出色? 靜候賜教.


  21. shtmanhk

    kent :



  22. 客觀

    shtmanhk :
    竊聽風雲2 5院是五時後三場,今年四月 單身男女 IFC最大的5院是每日 full show.
    so what ?! 竊聽風雲2 如能 超越 猿人爭霸戰:猩凶革命 才大言不慚吧!

    不過你點講都冇用.! 次次你都想話美國片就快打到來,無數的狼來了風格的文章已使網友厭倦不已.!


  23. messy

    yy :
    《竊聽風雲2》已獲IFC最大的5院放映 (包括來週四開畫日), 這是極不尋常的轉變, 美國大片來到8月全線出現滑鐵盧現象!


    非常的同意! 此一現象的出現,使我覺得,一定要注視以後這類現象會不會不斷地發生,荷里活電影的香港票房,危唉.!!!!!!!!! 恐怕會被中文電影削弱!

  24. 心水清

    yy :
    竊聽風雲二沒有獲得ifc 5院的full show, 並不代表吸引力不及單身男女,明眼人一看便知這是檔期問題,竊聽風雲二排在競爭激烈的暑假,場次待遇當然及不上單身男女在四月頭的冷檔.應反問的是為什麼其他美國大片沒一部奪得ifc 5院的full show呢?是不是那些片’技不如人’呢?

    勁!!! 你非常冷靜,似乎沒有被誤導,

  25. shtmanhk

    客觀 :

    陸逾9成電影虧 文化人籲鬆綁

    金剛時代的小片悲哀 眾國產電影痛苦掙扎暑期檔

  26. yy


  27. BABA

    nbachung :


    《竊聽風雲2》是近年難得的華語好電影, 值得入場支持的!

  28. shtmanhk

    yy :

    1.泛亞 & 竊聽風雲2:

    2.ISQUARE IMAX 上映的電影(本周IMAX 巨幕版《天煞西部反擊戰》)海運一直避免同片迎戰.

    p.s.由即日起至8月31日去 UA時代廣場 及 UA iSQAUARE 網上訂飛豁免網上訂票手續費




    竊聽風雲2 15,408
    猩凶革命 14,031

  29. AK47


    竊聽風雲2 15,408
    猩凶革命 14,031

    Planet of the Apes wmoov count was blown up by certain mobile network promotion on Wednesday, the GH theatre carrying POTA includes Grand Ocean (海運).

    Overheard 2 keeps 15,000+ counts on a Wednesday indicates the movie does have some legs.

  30. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    竊聽風雲2 5院是五時後三場,今年四月 單身男女 IFC最大的5院是每日 full show.
    so what ?! 竊聽風雲2 如能 超越 猿人爭霸戰:猩凶革命 才大言不慚吧!

    Mr ‘hypocrite’ again shows his passion of putting down accomplishment of chinese language movies.

    I always think that you could be working in the Fox team, as you have not once but twice push movies released by Fox.

    You have wanted to push PLANET OF THE APES here, and you clearly knew that APES cannot secure more screens and dominate the market because of OVERHEARD 2.

    Correct me if I am wrong?

    I have to stress again that Chinese language movies do not need to overtake grosses of Hollywood movies to make an impression, but Mr hypocrite Shtmanhk keep wanting to play down Chinese movies by over-praising Hollywood ‘accomplishments’.

    Shame on you! Once you continue to keep doing this, I will continue to expose you!

  31. Ken Resurrected

    yy :
    竊聽風雲二沒有獲得ifc 5院的full show, 並不代表吸引力不及單身男女,明眼人一看便知這是檔期問題,竊聽風雲二排在競爭激烈的暑假,場次待遇當然及不上單身男女在四月頭的冷檔.應反問的是為什麼其他美國大片沒一部奪得ifc 5院的full show呢?是不是那些片’技不如人’呢?

    Mr Shtmanhk is continue losing credibility. It seems he is so desperate to put down chinese language movies, that he needs to compare 竊聽風雲二 with 單身男女, but 竊聽風雲二 is already on track to close with HK$5 million higher than 單身男女, so what is his point??


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