Goal, Goal, Goal..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
美國隊長:復仇者先鋒最終票房應在2000萬至2100萬之間 。
Ken Resurrected
It’s a great opening for 猿人爭霸戰. I think it has potential to do as well as X-MEN FIRST CLASS. Being 2D definitely helps too, and this will continue Fox’ hot streak in Hong Kong. Anything less than HK$20 million in final gross will be considered disappointing.
CARS 2 had a good opening. True it is 3D, but it should at least finish with 15 times its opening thursday. Add in its 2 weeks of previews, and it may close with HK$20.8 million, topping PENGUINS as the second biggest family movie of the summer, as well as grossing at least 30% higher than the original CARS.
勁抽福祿壽 opening to HK$530K is very good. It may finish with 12-13 times its opening day, or grossing HK$6.3-6.9 million. Anything more will be considered fairly respectable given the tough competition.
《美國隊長:復仇者先鋒》drops around 65% on its 2nd Thursday. If it continues to post disappointing weekend surges, it will barely close above HK$20 million, meaning it will have the worse opening day multiplier for a major Hollywood movie.
Ken Resurrected
After reading carefully, I don’t think CAPTAIN AMERICA or THOR under-performed because of any problems in quality, but rather the subject matter and 3D, as well as not being sequels.
With the exception of X-MEN FIRST CLASS which attracted core fans and more from the franchise, most recent live-action Hollywood movies not set in the modern era did not do that strongly in Hong Kong. Examples:
SUPER 8 – the only major Hollywood summer 2D movie not at least reaching HK$10 million, but came very close.
THOR – nobody can say raking HK$19.3 million is shabby, but it is the first 3D casualty of the summer, and there are lots of implications from its failure for not at least reaching HK$20 million despite very very weak competition it faced compare to every subsequent movies released after it.
CAPTAIN AMERICA – it opened at least 20% higher than THOR on its opening Thursday but is quickly flaming out, aided by a shockingly poor weekend surge. Now it has dropped 65% this past Thursday, great news: still ahead of THOR by HK$1.5 million. As HARRY POTTER finale showed, a poor first weekend surge will not entirely kill it, but still, everybody should be expecting a stronger performance given an excellent opening Thursday and it should have a much sturdier first weekend before the arrival of PLANET OF THE APES to help it ultimately go much higher than HK$20 million, say HK$25 million, which it will not reach despite 3D premium.
PIRATES 3D – Nobody can say grossing HK$45 million is shabby. In fact, it is the 3rd highest grossing movie of the year so far. It also surprisingly displayed better late momentum than many other Hollywood movies in HK. Why do I consider it a disappointment? It is an underperforming sequel compare to its predecessor (barely grossing 10% higher) and other Hollywood sequels this summer in HK.
Ken Resurrected
Yes, we should all send the right message to Hong Kong exhibitors. If you must see big budget Hollywood movies, at least please patronize more 2D movies, or 2D version of 3D movies to make a point.
勁抽福祿壽 下周如何維持 full show 是一大挑戰,尤其是 MCL/新寶以外的場次.
矮仔多情 34萬(36院184場)
人間喜劇 38萬(31院123場)
翡翠明珠 37萬(35院161場)
抱抱俏佳人 39萬(38院217場)
勁抽福祿壽 53萬 (36院171萬)
猿人爭霸戰 已是十年前觀眾印象逐漸淡忘,今趟最成功是作宣傳用的預告片及電視廣告相當吸引.
霍士繼 黑天鵝,異形第一戰,黑癲鵝先生 後,《猩凶革命》在本地又創佳績.《猩凶革命》比 異形第一戰 少一百埸下反勝一萬,且看口碑同樣理想的《猩凶革命》能否超越甚至達三千萬?
神奇4俠 160萬
神奇4俠2 135萬
異獸戰 140萬
異獸戰2 146萬
鐵血戰士S 128萬
魔間傳奇 136萬
智能叛變 118萬
越空行者 172萬 – 情人節
戰狼300 102萬
公元前一萬年 —
變種特攻3 146萬
異能第一戰 158萬 (74院348場)
猿人爭霸戰 89萬
腥凶革命 159萬(42院245場)
非以動物/玩具/人類為主角的PIXAR動畫本地票房都是較為遜色,三年前 功夫熊貓 首集本地票房是徹底拋離 wall E.
沖天救兵 180萬
天煞撞正怪怪獸 97萬
超鼠特攻 74萬
超級零零狗 45萬
海底奇兵 147萬
太空奇兵 114萬
五星級大鼠 111萬
反斗車王 80萬
超人特工隊 78萬
四條腿拯救隊 83萬
史力加3 128萬
荒失失奇兵 144萬
反斗車王2 123萬
美國隊長 首8日累積票房 僅略遜有優先埸的 潛行深淵 12萬,但次周四單日票房比逾二千萬的人.神.魔戰 及 潛行深淵 更高.
小人國大歷險 2194萬(119萬)
愛麗絲夢遊仙境 2075萬(118萬)
人.神.魔戰 1651萬(63萬)
生化危機3D 1512萬(39萬)
潛行深淵 1405萬(57萬)
雷神奇俠 1242萬(45萬)
創戰紀 1002萬(55萬)
舞出真我3D 976萬(79萬)
綠燈俠 810萬(44萬)
死神4來了 806萬(35萬)
變種食人倉3D 672萬(35萬)
地心探險記 —
美國隊長 1393萬(69萬)
《藍精靈》首周入座並不算低,首8日累積票房和有長假期效應埋單千五萬的 天煞撞正怪怪獸 及
超級零零狗 僅相差約一百萬.
天煞撞正怪怪獸 920萬(50萬)
超級零零狗 899萬(115萬)
超鼠特攻 674萬(43萬)– 38院193場
馴龍記 655萬(45萬)– 34院169場
壞蛋獎門人 578萬(36萬)– 33院112場
藍精靈 827萬(52萬)– 36院183場
哈利波特7下 是今年北美/海外/全球暫時票房第一,但香港及內地不是如此.
反斗奇兵3 8257萬(32萬)
魔盜王4 4359萬(10萬)
愛麗絲夢遊仙境 4137萬(17萬)
地心探險記 3165萬(12萬)
哈利波特7下 7358萬(20萬)
功夫熊貓2 四千萬仍是較為樂觀,往後新上映的動畫欠奉競爭相對減少.
魔盜王4 4186萬(21萬) — 33院91場
愛麗絲夢遊仙境 3809萬(26萬) –41院140場
小人國大歷險 3050萬(?萬)
地心探險記 2816萬(49萬)
功夫熊貓2 3694萬(19萬) –73場
James Cameron 為3D電影發展指明方向
陸逾9成電影虧 文化人籲鬆綁
Ken Resurrected
Of course it is still too early to tell at this stage, therefore a lot of work need to be done to educate how to spend your money wisely.
3D movies will almost always guarantee to have better grosses in actual terms due to the surcharges.
Hong Kong consumers who are forced to patronize 3D movies at excessive surcharges can simply see less of these movies to send a message to greedy HK exhibitors, as well as to staunch supporter of commercial/industry greed like Mr Shtmanhk.