












  1. Ned

    《3D肉蒲團》啱中港的中男中女睇,Marketing 出色,長拍長收!

  2. @_@


  3. patrick1029

    我想知道肉蒲團仲有幾多戲院同場次上映 ?

  4. JJ

    @_@ :




  5. Ken Resurrected

    Oh my, GREEN LANTERN’s weekend momentum is about as bad in Hong Kong as in USA. I can almost be sure that 3D is definitely a liability to this movie. If THOR’s poor legs in HK are already not any indication, despite that movie being considered a good summer blockbuster, it fell over 80% the next week. What would GREEN LANTERN’s fall next week be??

    I think I must admit its multiplier won’t be higher than 10 times its opening Thursday, and it has a chance of topping out at HK$9 million.

    I am right about SUPER 8 able to cross HK$10 million. For all of you industry watchers, look at how 2D movies are getting better than expected legs.

    For all of you arguing that GREEN LANTERN would probably do less without 3D, now the movie might not even has legs to hit HK$10 million. 3D share in North America has been dropping, so its HK already following? To local watchers, it is tough to believe, since HK has a far more vibrant economy and better spending power, but it is happening!

    I am also surprised at the weak weekend boost experienced by SOMETHING BORROWED and especially《最愛》. With that momentum, both movies should not cross HK$2 million.

  6. 迷逃小書童華安

    JJ :

    @_@ :



  7. B

    Ken Resurrected :
    Oh my, GREEN LANTERN’s weekend momentum is about as bad in Hong Kong as in USA. I can almost be sure that 3D is definitely a liability to this movie. If THOR’s poor legs in HK are already not any ind…

    What are you talking about? Thor fell 62% in its 2nd weekend. It did not fall 80%.

    Your prediction this time around is way off. Green Lantern probably will cross HK $9 million on Thursday. If not, then Friday at the very latest. If there wasn’t a storm headed our way, Green Lantern could have done it on Wednesday.

    Super 8 crossing HK 10 million is not set in stone. It will have another big drop this week due to losing screens to Beginning of the Great Revival/London Boulevard/Treasure Inn/X-Men/Green Lantern. And falling 56% on its 2nd weekend is not having better than expected legs. It fell in the expected range for an alien film. If you want to compare it to recent examples, it fell harder than Battle: Los Angeles in its 2nd weekend. Oh, and Battle: Los Angeles had a better 2nd weekend than Super 8 and it still did not make HK $10 million.

    We get it already. You don’t like 3D. Stop trying to associate Super 8’s or other 2D films performance as somehow 2D films are superior in legs to 3D films. Super 8 performed like an alien film. Nothing more, nothing less. X-Men: First Class and Hangover 2 generated good legs due to one having great WOM and the other being a highly anticipated sequel.

    For now, 3D is here to stay whether you like it or not.

    Predictions for June 23 weekend

    Beginning of the Great Revival: 3.116 million
    London Boulevard: $584,165
    Treasure Inn: $1.09 million

    Green Lantern: -58%
    Something Borrowed: -55%
    The Conspirator: -45%
    Love For Life: -35%
    X-Men: -31%
    Super 8: -60%
    Hangover 2: -66%
    Pirates 4: -42%

    All movies will be affected by the tropical storm on Thursday. Friday and the weekend should see a smaller than normal drop.

  8. B

    Just a couple of changes to my predictons

    Super 8 -62%
    Hangover 2 -58%

  9. Ken Resurrected

    Last year when I explain how heavy rain warning affecting box office performance of a certain family movie (the Thursday debut when FURRY VENGEANCE opened), I was being dismissed, so now it is quite refreshing that you used it as a case against me, lol.

    Anyway I admit I got a little excited at the poor momentum displayed by GREEN LANTERN, but I am anxious to see a major 3D movie flopped big time. In the end, I have projected the movie to close with HK$13 million if its legs were about the same as THOR, although there is certainly the chance of it only receiving a multiplier of 10 times its opening Thursday or lower.

    As for SUPER 8, I am rooting it to cross HK$10 million from the very beginning, because it is among the few non-sequel 2D movies this summer. Most of all, this is summer season, so you cannot compare BATTLE LOS ANGELES or even CLOVERFIELD. Its legs were already quite well consider that SUPER 8 opened lower than BATTLE LOS ANGELES and most of all, against much intense competition.

    As for dislike for 3D, I will certainly tone it down, but you do not need to be so hostile. When I cite THOR’s 2nd week dropoff, I mainly refer to its Thursday-Thursday, so I will be more specific in my claim. You also neglect FAST FIVE in your better than expected sequel, and I can also count on SOURCE CODE’s performance as another surprising leggy performer in the past 2 months.

  10. B

    Ken Resurrected :
    Last year when I explain how heavy rain warning affecting box office performance of a certain family movie (the Thursday debut when FURRY VENGEANCE opened), I was being dismissed, so now it is quite …

    Rooting against 3D films here is counterproductive. It’s not going to change anything. You should root for 3D films to fail in the US so studios won’t be so keen on converting 2D movies into 3D. The sooner the studios there stop using 3D, the better it will be for the rest of us.

    Super 8 opened higher than Battle: Los Angeles. And it is still performing similarly to non-summer alien films. District 9, Battle: Los Angeles, Cloverfield, Skyline all had drops over 50% like Super 8. Comparing Super 8 to movies like Predators is impossible given that Toy Story 3 took over in its 2nd weekend and it’s an established franchise.

    I’m a bit concerned though about Super 8’s 2nd weekend drop. It should have held better since it has good WOM. Now, it’s paying the price as it will lose theaters or night shows in favor of other movies this weekend.

    Superhero movies tend to be very frontloaded on Thursday. The same can be said for X-Men: First Class where it fell 64% in admissions on its 2nd Thursday but rebounded to a 47% decrease on its 2nd Friday. It’s also why Green Lantern will have at least a big drop in admissions on Thursday but will see better drops on the weekend.

    I was only pointing out those released this month but sure include Fast Five.

    Also, I am retracting my earlier statement about 2D films do not have better legs than 3D films. It’s true that 2D films are having better legs than 3D but it isn’t exclusive to this summer. Excluding all the 3D event films where heavy drops are expected, there were plenty of smaller 3D movies released last year such as StreetDance, Saw, Piranha, Step Up, Resident Evil, Megamind, Tron, etc. All of those grossed less than 1m the weekend they opened here. Out of all of them, only 2 dropped higher than 50% in its 2nd weekend. Piranha and StreetDance. Piranha actually had a better than expected hold (-56%) while StreetDance only made a measly $216,000 US in its opening weekend.

    3D films are usually reserved for big franchise films but when there’s a smaller 3D release, it usually does have OK legs.

    Still to come this summer, Transformers, Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda, Captain America, Smurfs, Cars are all coming out in 3D. With the exception of Smurfs, all of them are event films. Most of them will fall hard in its 2nd or 3rd weekend. The only ones who could avoid this are Kung Fu Panda and Cars 2. Not exactly a good success rate for big 3D movies.

  11. jerrychan


  12. Ken Resurrected

    BATTLE LOS ANGELES opened to over HK$750K, while SUPER 8 opened to HK$670K. I guess I am very used to quoting Thursday opening as a measure rather than its first 4 days, because I measure my multiplier effect using the opening Thursday, not the entire 4-day weekend.

    When you say I should root for 3D movies to flop in the USA, they actually already are. 2D share of a lot of 3D movies are already increasing, but that is more because of how poor the American spending power has become. However, I am rooting for 3D movies to flop in Hong Kong, mostly because of how they charge excessive fees for 3D as well as for length of time. If Hong Kong customers continue to not care about these charges and still patronize the same, the trend will be irreversible.

    I insist on not watching a single 3D movie, and I will not hesitate to point out any 3D movie failing/underperforming at the box office.

  13. Ned


    Ken Resurrected :

    When you say I should root for 3D movies to flop in the USA, they actually already are. 2D share of a lot of 3D movies are already increasing, but that is more because of how poor the American spending power has become. However, I am rooting for 3D movies to flop in Hong Kong, mostly because of how they charge excessive fees for 3D as well as for length of time. If Hong Kong customers continue to not care about these charges and still patronize the same, the trend will be irreversible.

  14. 迷逃小書童華安

    jerrychan :




  15. 過路人


  16. shtmanhk

    S8 的基本盤和天凶之城,末世凶煞,D-9,異形侵略戰 相若,但此片後勁明顯不及導演09年埋單近千萬口碑理想的 星空奇遇記.S8 僅多十天衝刺期,千萬仍不容易.










  17. shtmanhk

    潮性辦公室 成本是否比 矮仔多情 低?



    矮仔多情 322萬

    人間喜劇 515萬

    潮性辦公室 290萬

  18. shtmanhk



    美國處男2 554萬(10萬)
    處男有喜 229萬(3萬)

    情迷索瑪莉 744萬(32萬)
    冒牌伴郎 262萬(6萬)

    臨盤急先鋒 363萬(?萬)

    醉爆伴郎團 410萬(?萬)


    醉爆伴郎團2 1057萬(?萬)


    通天奇兵 1120萬

    轟天猛將 1018萬

    狂野時速5 1226萬

  19. shtmanhk

    最愛 首4日累積票房是近年安樂內地文藝小品中


    海洋天堂 76萬

    山楂樹之戀 64萬

    最愛 61萬

  20. shtmanhk

    綠燈俠 首四日累積票房走勢合符預期(反勝舞出真我3D),單以此片票房引申3D效應下滑實乃輕卒粗疏片面武斷分析.


    魔盜王4 1941萬 –(116院598場)
    阿凡達 1606萬 –(69院283場)
    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 1481萬 –(73院425場)
    小人國大歷險 1435萬
    生化危機3D 1268萬
    人.神.魔戰 1085萬
    潛行深淵 1054萬
    雷神奇俠 837萬
    地心探險記 784萬
    創戰紀 669萬
    死神4來了 593萬
    舞出真我3D 566萬
    變種食人倉3D 429萬

    反斗奇兵3 2570萬–(108院650場)
    史力加4 1216萬–(64院406場)
    沖天救兵 965萬–(58院343場)


    綠燈俠 567萬(50院305場)

  21. shtmanhk

    《婚前借愛》首四日累積票房比03年 Kate Hudson 的 10 天戀愛有限期 87萬 及 晨早兜巴星 略好,相信如兩片收逾二百萬問題不大.


    色慾都市 499萬(?萬)
    色慾都市2 476萬(?萬)
    冧歌有情人 477萬(38萬)
    求婚的惡魔 450萬(?萬)
    愛情戀上癮 362萬(?萬)
    緣滿情人節 357萬(146萬)
    媽媽咪呀 349萬(?萬)
    枕邊冇情人 338萬(?萬)
    緣份精華遊 335萬(77萬)
    穿prada的惡魔 288萬(87萬)
    一夜賭城戀大咗 259萬(65萬)
    留給最愛的情書 264萬(52萬)
    單身大急救 225萬(?萬)
    新娘愛鬥大 221萬(62萬)
    再單身遊記 186萬(?萬)
    27宜嫁 185萬(53萬)
    馬利與我 178萬(?萬)
    潮拜購物狂 177萬(48萬)
    收錯愛情風 173萬(45萬)
    伴娘先生 156萬(43萬)

    湊仔亂咁嚟 151萬
    驚動了愛情 109萬
    晨早兜巴星 106萬
    愛情遠著陸 93萬
    分手的情書 85萬
    茱麗葉愛情信箱 59萬


    婚前借愛 115萬(?萬)

  22. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    美國處男2 554萬(10萬)處男有喜 229萬(3萬)

    Brand recognition for American Pie franchise in Hong Kong is considerably weaker, mostly because there is a 9 year break in between the last sequel.

  23. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    綠燈俠 首四日累積票房走勢合符預期(反勝舞出真我3D),單以此片票房引申3D效應下滑實乃輕卒粗疏片面武斷分析.

    It is extremely laughable that you dare to compare 綠燈俠 with 舞出真我3D. Both movies have completely different aspirations. Are we going to say that THOR is actually doing very well simply because it matches 舞出真我3D’s final take? Your statement is unbelievable. 舞出真我3D is a low budget sequel that surprises. 綠燈俠 is budgeted at over US$200 million.

    If 綠燈俠 ended up closing with only HK$13-14 million (despite weak competition on its first two weekends), it got to be a huge underperformance no matter how you measure.

  24. shtmanhk

    異能第一戰 18日累積票房已超越潛行深淵,暫時本年荷李活片第二名.


    神奇4俠 1613萬(29萬)
    神奇4俠2 1762萬(29萬)

    變形俠醫 899萬(15萬)
    新變形俠醫 1173萬(16萬)

    戰狼300 1340萬(42萬)
    公元前一萬年 —
    越空行者 1097萬(?萬)

    義勇群英 1267萬(?萬)

    變種特攻3 1870萬(45萬)

    異能第一戰 2218萬(?萬)

  25. shtmanhk

    魔盜王4 已超越 愛麗絲夢遊仙境,貼近哈利波特7.


    黑夜之神 5427萬(45萬)
    潛行凶間 5357萬(?萬) — 38院115場
    2012 4650萬(?萬) — 35院110場
    哈利波特4 4626萬(16萬)
    哈利波特7 4447萬(?萬)

    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 4226萬(?萬)
    地心探險記 3278萬(?萬)

    魔盜王3 4147萬(17萬)
    魔盜王2 3560萬(13萬)
    魔盜王 —

    魔盜王4 4420萬(?萬)

  26. shtmanhk

    shtmanhk :
    魔盜王4 已超越 愛麗絲夢遊仙境,貼近哈利波特7.


    史高西斯,史匹堡,彼德積遜,列尼史葛,李安 等大導演的3D新片也陸續推出,不少 ART FILM 也已或將用3D拍攝.至於將價格放首位其他一概不理斤斤計較之流,也絕不會對這些大導演的3D新片賣帳甚至可能以自甘墮落等偏激言論奚落一番.在這些眼光狹隘及思維單薄的人士不會嘗試理解為何上述大導演’同流合污’而非背道而馳,當然這些大導演也不希罕此等水平的人士入埸與否.

  27. Ken Resurrected

    I can still watch 2D version of the new 3D movies when Hong Kong make them more widely available, but then again, I am never that much interested in watching special effects movies in the first place, but I still do watch many 2D Hollywood movies.

    《3D肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑》, on the other hand, even if there was a 2D version, I won’t see it. But still, congratulations on hitting HK$40 million when I at first only expected it to finish with HK$10 million. I was so wrong about it. For better or worse, it may end up being the highest grossing Hong Kong movie for 2011. It does save a lot of face for HK cinema.

  28. shtmanhk



    這是Hitand Run的一次性消費,下次要吸引相若人數入場,相信面對的難度絕不可以雙倍計。


    Ned :
    《3D肉蒲團》啱中港的中男中女睇,Marketing 出色,長拍長收!


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