













  1. Joen Lueng


  2. B

    X-Men: First Class did great. After Wolverine’s bad WOM, it seemed like the X-Men franchise was dying but this beats out Thor’s 5-day opening by HK 1.25 million (12%) and it wasn’t in 3D. It seemed like WOM was building throughout the week and it really made an impact on the weekend. It jumped 90% from Friday to Saturday and matched Saturday’s admissions on Sunday.

    Hangover 2 did great and opened around 150% more than the original. It will beat it’s predecessor’s total in only 7 or 8 days.

    Pirates 4 had a big drop but that was expected as X-Men and Hangover 2 were expected to take away most of its screens. Looks like it’s on its way to HK 42.78 million.

    Still very good for Sex & Zen: Extreme Ecstasy.

    Fantastic opening for Submarine. You don’t see a lot of those arthouse/indie movies opening to HK 23 million in one weekend.

    A Beautiful Life had a decent drop for the weekend. Yes, it’s Saturday was the biggest drop and yes, Saturday/Sunday drops were bigger than Thursday/Friday but it did not drop as big as I thought. Good call on this one Ken Resurrected.

    Horrible for The Other Woman.

  3. B

    Predictions for June 9 weekend

    1. Super 8 – HK 5.056 million
    2. X-Men – 63% drop
    3. Hangover 2 – 57% drop
    4. MicroSex Office – HK 1.25 million
    5. Pirates 4 – 73% drop (no IMAX/holiday effect but it still has screens)

  4. Ken Resurrected

    Great that 《不再讓你孤單》is still hanging there. Along with 《愛情潛水》and the other Natalie Portman romance 《愛與痛的追尋》, this is the second consecutive weekend that the Chinese romance need to faceoff another love themed movie, and actually becomes a 3-way race for per-screen attendance for the first time!! Couple that against a slew of Hollywood blockbusters, it is a very uphill battle for 《不再讓你孤單》to save face. I said last week it will definitely close above HK$3 million, and now HK$3.45 million is within reach (if only to prove that it is supposed to close with a standard multiplier of 15 times its opening Thursday of HK$230K, but even that figure is not particularly great. It should have grossed HK$4 million or more if not because of intense competition. Afterall the director went all out to promote the movie on radio and everywhere in HK after the movie disappointed in the mainland.

    Chinese language movies still need to mount a fight and not give up. It seems doing romantic movies is a way to go. Of course the commercial returns will be lower, but if HK is all about doing business, then we will lose all our identity and culture.

    I am away from Hong Kong already two days after 《不再讓你孤單》debuted, so glad I make an attempt to see the movie before I go and able to fend off its distractors, so I will not participate in the box office prediction game. If Ryan will start the game again soon, I will start participating in September. Have fun.

  5. Re: Joen

    Joen Lueng :


  6. 小師妹

    Anywayz, B+ seems not as good as C+…

  7. Ken Resurrected

    Re: Joen :
    Joen Lueng :得個知字,版主係咪唔會寫《B+》?


    I am sure whenever a chinese movie review got posted here, it will stir many debates, most of the time unflattering to the blogger and to the film. So to help the film industry, it is better not to post reviews anymore, as a lot of industry people use this blog as a platform to blast each other, undermining each other’s films.

    I see 《不再讓你孤單》here receive more distracting comments than supportive ones, just like 《出軌的女人》. And I am sure a lot of people will trash 《B+偵探》just the same.

  8. Rat

    Ken Resurrected :
    Re: Joen :Joen Lueng :得個知字,版主係咪唔會寫《B+》?


    I am sure whenever a chinese movie review got posted here, it will stir many debates, most of the time unflattering to the b…

    的確, 該片沒有在此blog起題被批間接令票房收得不錯

  9. 吸定

    首先非常同意Ken Resurrected 的論點

    的確, 該片沒有在此blog起題被批間接令票房收得不錯


  10. Sue

    睇預售,Super 8 令人失望,可能香港觀眾鍾意睇大制作,小本經營未必博到大利。

    B :
    Predictions for June 9 weekend
    1. Super 8 – HK 5.056 million2. X-Men – 63% drop3. Hangover 2 – 57% drop4. MicroSex Office – HK 1.25 million5. Pirates 4 – 73% drop (no IMAX/holiday effect but it still…

  11. Ken Resurrected

    Sue :
    睇預售,Super 8 令人失望,可能香港觀眾鍾意睇大制作,小本經營未必博到大利。

    Hong Kong audiences are not real movie lovers. They have no idea what is behind SUPER 8. The chinese movie title makes me think it is something like X-FILES. So it is not going to score a great first weekend, but let us see if good word of mouth may carry this film like FAST FIVE is doing.

    On a side note, this Hollywood movie is not big budgeted (US$50 million), but so is SANCTUM, and look how much SANCTUM did in HK. By this time, we all know why SANCTUM succeeded in Hong Kong, all because of a lot of coincidence and convenience, which SUPER 8 did not benefitted from.

  12. shtmanhk

    內地端午票房荷里活電影也大勝,本周首三名及連續四星期冠軍全是荷李活片.《魔盜狂潮》內地17天收近4億,《功夫熊貓2》9天收3.4億,狂野時速5過2億,skyline 3天竟也能收1645萬:


    端午全國票房過2億 引進片大熱國產片不給力

    內地影市六一端午相逢 三天兩億單周衝三億

    《功夫熊貓2》票房衝4億 國產“阿寶”路在何方


  13. Gary


  14. shtmanhk


  15. shtmanhk

    不再讓你孤單 本地略勝 非誠勿擾2,可惜內地嚴重失收於事無補.


    非誠勿擾II 301萬

    不再讓你孤單 266萬

  16. shtmanhk



    美國處男 —
    美國處男2 249萬(67萬)
    處男有喜 110萬(29萬)

    凸務之王3 206萬(51萬)

    情迷索瑪莉 289萬(72萬)

    冒牌伴郎 106萬(29萬)

    臨盤急先鋒 193萬(?萬)

    醉爆伴郎團 150萬(?萬)


    醉爆伴郎團2 406萬(?萬)


    通天奇兵 418萬

    轟天猛將 483萬

    狂野時速5 419萬

  17. shtmanhk

    似乎有不少人贊同鄧小樺所說「片面敵意、壞人衣食的評論」居心不良,而 buy 這一套從而引申片子收得與否只可説句天真幼稚.殺人犯 就是最佳例子駁斥此番謬論,但此確是一個良好藉口將失收責任推得一乾二淨.



    吸定 :

    的確, 該片沒有在此blog起題被批間接令票房收得不錯

  18. ben

    Ken Resurrected :
    I am sure whenever a chinese movie review got posted here, it will stir many debates, most of the time unflattering to the b…

    see 《不再讓你孤單》here receive more distracting comments than supportive ones, just like 《出軌的女人》. And I am sure a lot of people will trash 《B+偵探》just the same.

    why are u sure that a lot of people will trash 《B+偵探》too ? what is the evidence , just based on 《不再讓你孤單》《出軌的女人》 ? if a film’s quality is not good , why do you not allow us to write something about it ?

    So to help the film industry, it is better not to post reviews anymore, as a lot of industry people use this blog as a platform to blast each other, undermining each other’s films –>

    the above show you have tyical chinese DNA , that all people have hidden agenda .what is the evidence a lot of industry people use this blog as a platform to blast each other? what is your power not to post reviews anymore? why do u limit freedom of speech here ?

  19. shtmanhk

    異能第一戰 首4日續勝 變種特攻3,但變種特攻3 首四日沒有受惠長假期效應.


    神奇4俠 790萬(230萬)
    神奇4俠2 771萬(207萬)

    變形俠醫 487萬(123萬)
    新變形俠醫 516 萬 (?萬)

    戰狼300 647萬(169萬)
    公元前一萬年 615萬(164萬)
    越空行者 613萬(135萬)

    義勇群英 511萬(?萬)

    變種特攻3 840萬(238萬)

    異能第一戰 943萬(?萬)

  20. shtmanhk

    Rat :
    的確, 該片沒有在此blog起題被批間接令票房收得不錯



  21. ben

    ben :
    Ken Resurrected :I am sure whenever a chinese movie review got posted here, it will stir many debates, most of the time unflattering to the b…

    see 《不再讓你孤單》here receive more distracting comments t…

    KEN , I am waiting your reply for this ,you blame someone need reasons too , thanks.

  22. shtmanhk



    黑夜之神 4548萬(156萬)
    哈利波特4 4335萬(萬)
    潛行凶間 4210萬(?萬) — 51院211場
    哈利波特7 4146萬(?萬)— 230場
    2012 4041萬(?萬) — 68院273場

    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 3666萬(?萬)
    小人國大歷險 3006萬(?萬)
    地心探險記 2715萬(141萬)

    反斗奇兵3 7168萬(?萬)
    沖天救兵 2728萬(?萬)
    史力加4 2510萬(?萬)

    魔盜王3 3833萬(102萬)
    魔盜王2 3235萬(98萬)
    魔盜王 918萬(26萬)

    魔盜王4 3989萬(?萬)


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