













  1. Rat



    C+偵探開畫票房是50萬, B+偵探42.5萬. C+是06年的票價還比現在低呢

  3. Rat

    3D肉蒲團 最終平20年前跛豪票房

  4. NED

    相信純色情的三級片收過千萬好 easy。

    Rat :
    3D肉蒲團 最終平20年前跛豪票房




  6. Rat

    報應 200萬有望已算萬幸

  7. Ken Resurrected

    SZESZE :
    C+偵探開畫票房是50萬, B+偵探42.5萬. C+是06年的票價還比現在低呢

    《C+偵探》’s 2007 box office reporting was messy, but obviously the movie did well, which warranted this 2011 sequel. Yesterday it opened to HK$420K is a good result. Now if it has standard momentum, it should at least gross 12-13 times its opening Thursday, which may result in a HK$5 million gross or more. Good luck!

  8. Ken Resurrected

    It is indeed a great Thursday, led by a surprisingly strong hold from 《狂野時速5》. This is a rare example of a big budget Hollywood movie with staying power, all the more impressive when you look at how 《雷神奇俠》continues its massive fall. At this pace, 《狂野時速5》will not only gross north of HK$10 million, but it will outgross its predecessor by at least 100%.

    The big question now is can《雷神奇俠》reach HK$20 million? It is indeed an uphill battle, as I mentioned 2 weeks ago, plus next week it will sure to suffer an even bigger fall than the past 8 days.

    I really do not care about《天神魔煞》, but this movie does prevent FAST FIVE from scoring its second Thursday at #1, but FAST FIVE should reclaim #1 by Sunday. HK is indeed a surprise market, amidst strong Hollywood summer movies everywhere, this may be 《天神魔煞》’s only #1 opening in any of its international markets.

    《報應》ultimately will outgross 出軌的女人, but not by much. 關雲長 will finish with about HK$8 million, grossing 10 times its opening Thursday, again better than 精武風雲:陳真’s multiplier of about 6. Still, it is time for 甄子丹 to consider the problem of over-exposure.

  9. 問沖

    Ken Resurrected :
    It is indeed a great Thursday, led by a surprisingly strong hold from 《狂野時速5》. This is a rare example of a big budget Hollywood movie with staying power, all the more impressive when you look at how 《雷神奇俠》continues its massive fall. At this pace, 《狂野時速5》will not only gross north of HK$10 million, but it will outgross its predecessor by at least 100%….

    狂野時速5竟然有這麼好的本地票房.! Well Done!!!!! 但一切的走勢已在Ken Resurrected網友的預測當中呢.!!! 經常來這個區的讀者因此其實不感到意外.!

  10. B

    Ken Resurrected :
    It is indeed a great Thursday, led by a surprisingly strong hold from 《狂野時速5》. This is a rare example of a big budget Hollywood movie with staying power, all the more impressive when you look at how 《…

    I have to admit…Thor isn’t making 20 million HK. Although it’s total is not bad (it did make over 2 million US after all), the legs have been very disappointing. It’s internal multiplier is barely going to be above 2.

    That’s a very good total for Fast Five. Going to be above 1.2 million US before Pirates hits theaters. Considering that the highest one before that only banked $567,000, that is fantastic!

    I don’t think Priest is going to win the weekend. Either Fast Five or The Detective 2 will take it. Priest has shown signs of frontloading (only a 11% increase Thursday to Friday in admissions).

    The Detective 2 won in admissions on Thursday but lost out to Fast Five on Friday. Fast Five is probably going to repeat a 2nd weekend unless The Detective 2 has a huge surge.

    We could be seeing a repeat with Priest like we saw with Legion. One week before blockbuster hits and its screens get cut due to terrible business. Funnily enough, Paul Bettany stars in both of those films. Coincidence?

  11. sam kit

    今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?
    我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?

  12. kam

    sam kit :
    今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?

    冇喎, 我係百老匯睇, 超正!

    UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!

  13. sam kit

    kam :

    sam kit :
    今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?

    冇喎, 我係百老匯睇, 超正!
    UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!

    B+個尾咁樣, 睇黎都會有D-偵探!!

  14. Ken Resurrected

    B :
    We could be seeing a repeat with Priest like we saw with Legion. One week before blockbuster hits and its screens get cut due to terrible business. Funnily enough, Paul Bettany stars in both of those films. Coincidence?

    LEGION and PRIEST both has the same director and same lead actor, both released by Sony/Screen Gems. LEGION was a decent moneymaker, so who knows if this is sort of multi-picture deal with the studio?!

    《B+偵探》seems to be posting terrific numbers this weekend, if a certain movie website is accurate, but FAST FIVE is also not far behind. The multipier for 《3D肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑》 has almost reached 14 times its opening Thursday, unbelievable, but congratulations no matter what.

  15. B

    Ken Resurrected :
    B : B: We could be seeing a repeat with Priest like we saw with Legion. One week before blockbuster hits and its screens get cut due to terrible business. Funnily enough, Paul Bettany stars in both …

    Oh wow, I didn’t even notice that they both shared the same director.

    The Detective 2 had a big increase today and played very well in the afternoon. Fast Five came back at night so if the trend continues, The Detective 2 should win tomorrow and the weekend. Fast Five won’t have the night business it had today to be as competitive tomorrow.

    Right now, it looks like it’s pretty close in gross between the two so my guess is whoever wins Sunday wins the weekend.

  16. shtmanhk

    kam :

    B+看來又係UA力撐UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!

    B+/C+ 也是嘉樂發行

  17. shtmanhk

    sam kit :
    kam :

    sam kit :今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?
    冇喎, 我係百老匯睇, 超正!B+看來又係UA力撐UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!

    B+個尾咁樣, 睇黎都會有D-偵探!!



  18. sam kit

    shtmanhk :

    sam kit :
    kam :
    sam kit :今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?
    冇喎, 我係百老匯睇, 超正!B+看來又係UA力撐UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!
    B+個尾咁樣, 睇黎都會有D-偵探!!


    其實我覺得今集都已經冇咁好睇, 應該叫C-, 下集叫D-冇死啦, 一集比一集差…
    P.S. 不死心再問, 狂野時速5講野個口同D聲唔夾真的只有我睇個場有問題?等我睇下有冇時間再去睇多次…

  19. Samual

    Ken Resurrected :
    It is indeed a great Thursday, led by a surprisingly strong hold from 《狂野時速5》. This is a rare example of a big budget Hollywood movie with staying power, all the mo…


  20. shtmanhk

    sam kit : B+看來又係UA力撐UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!B+個尾咁樣, 睇黎都會有D-偵探!!其實我覺得今集都已經冇咁好睇, 應該叫C-怎會妄自菲薄自稱D-?彭順籌拍《A+偵探》http://paper.wenweipo.com/2011/05/14/EN1105140008.htm…


  21. shtmanhk



    符合郭富城近年擔正港片開畫票房(三岔B+偵探口 打平手),但比父子略遜而C+偵探最低.(郭富城 近年六片皆非新寶發行)

    殺人犯 竟能比郭富城近年擔正港片收多一倍,足見此片的宣傳綽頭及發行模式相當成功.


    下周四今個暑假首部荷李活 popcorn 大片殺到,且看 B+偵探 在場次及票房上受到多大影響?

    殺人犯 101萬
    父子 50萬
    三岔口 42萬
    全城戒備 32萬
    C+偵探 22萬(連優先場首日累收112萬)

    向左走向右走 120萬
    以和為貴 116萬
    黑社會 109萬
    龍鳳鬥 106萬
    大事件 90萬
    神探 65萬
    柔道龍虎榜 54萬
    文雀 53萬
    單身男女 44萬(連優先場首日累收95萬)
    鐵三角 44萬
    放.逐 43萬
    復仇 21萬
    蝴蝶飛 11萬

    意外 45萬
    機動部隊 41萬
    跟蹤 23萬(連優先場首日累收57萬)

    鎗王之王 115萬(*假期)
    竊聽風雲 94萬
    導火線 73萬(連優先場首日累收95萬)
    保持通話 55萬
    生日快樂 39萬(連優先場共收66萬)
    一個好爸爸 38萬

    十分愛 77萬(連優先場共收135萬)
    我的最愛 67萬
    保持愛你 36萬(連優先場共收128萬)
    獨家試愛 26萬(連優先場共收38萬)

    童夢奇緣 89萬
    再說一次我愛你 84萬

    大搜查之女 118萬(連優先場首日累收141萬 *假期)
    魔幻廚房 83萬

    花好月圓 113萬
    千杯不醉 83萬
    天生一對 62萬
    每當變幻時 58萬

    江湖 111萬
    Laughing Gor 106萬
    新宿事件 101萬
    男兒本色 94萬
    傷城 83萬
    如果‧愛 80萬
    情義兩心知 62萬
    歲月神偷 51萬(連優先場首日累收134萬)
    早熟 49萬

    B+偵探 42萬

  22. Ken Resurrected

    Samual :
    Ken Resurrected :It is indeed a great Thursday, led by a surprisingly strong hold from 《狂野時速5》. This is a rare example of a big budget Hollywood movie with staying power, all the mo…


    I was a fan of the first movie as well, and truly excited by the early reviews at rottentomatoes too, so I went to see last week. It deserves to be seen on the big screen, and I always support 2D movies. Fans of car chases and heist movies (even fans of Ocean Eleven series) must see this movie. You can all understand why it is holding up well on its second weekend.

    The PIRATES movie next week is certainly going to halt this great 2nd week momentum, but I just cannot imagine it will be good (if early reviews is any indication), so go see FAST FIVE before PIRATES cut its screenings.

  23. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    B符合郭富城近年擔正港片開畫票房(三岔B+偵探口 打平手),但比父子略遜而C+偵探最低.(郭富城 近年六片皆非新寶發行)

    殺人犯 竟能比郭富城近年擔正港片收多一倍,足見此片的宣傳綽頭及發行模式相當成功.


    Because of the goodwill generated by DETECTIVE 1 (as boxofficemojo like to cite for any well-performing sequels) DETECTIVE 2 opened decently and is poised to finish its first 4 days at #1, something most of us never imagine be possible. This is a very encouraging result. If the movie is not as good as the original, but good enough to stand on its own, then this movie can certainly outgross its predecessor by at least 30-40%, unless PIRATES next week is so strong it crush into its momentum.

    Aaron Kwok, despite not being a bankable star in box office measures, nevertheless managed to star in a new franchise, congratulations to him. Most importantly, a lot of new and old talents work with him, so he sure does have a good rep within the industry. It is too bad he cannot court mature female movie-goers with his interesting, mostly risk taking roles, as I think he is terribly under-utilized as a romantic lead. He is aging well, so why not give him a try soon?

  24. Rat

    3d pirate 上映後B+偵探也未必會大跌, 因宣傳得宜


  25. JJ

    我就睇到ENDING的精彩…反以前半段較正路…..ENDING亞探也是陷入「謊言害人一生的主題」 亞探就是用錯謊言方法去說服兇手. 害了朋交… 他聽回錄音帶後的哭泣反應. 我覺得是自疚感. 而最後一幕亞探得知父母背後的「生意」. 也再次說及「謊言」的可怕…不過, 你要ENDING有大爆炸場面. 那就另計了.. 但 我覺得部戲幾過癮. .. 又不過…這只是我一廂情願的思考…我就期待A+睇導演點用謊言開始串通故事….

  26. Ken Resurrected

    Rat :
    3d pirate 上映後B+偵探也未必會大跌, 因宣傳得宜

    I am hoping the same, but word of mouth for B+ must not be too bad to survive the PIRATE attack. I am forecasting a second thursday dropoff of 50%, but if PIRATE becomes too strong and B+ getting middling word of mouth, the drop can easily be over 60% (posted by both 《報應》and 《出軌的女人》), but should not be as drastic as 《關雲長》’s 75%, which opening thursday was aided by proximity to long weekend.

  27. sam kit :
    shtmanhk :

    sam kit :kam :sam kit :今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?冇喎, 我係百老匯睇, 超正!B+看來又係UA力撐UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!B+個尾咁樣, 睇黎都會有D-偵探!!

    其實我覺得今集都已經冇咁好睇, 應該叫C-…

    狂野時速5末段幾場文戲確有聲音與口形不夾的情況出現, 大約為時五至十分鐘吧!

  28. 有權爆冷


  29. sam kit


    sam kit :
    shtmanhk :
    sam kit :kam :sam kit :今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?冇喎, 我係百老匯睇, 超正!B+看來又係UA力撐UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!B+個尾咁樣, 睇黎都會有D-偵探!!


  30. sam kit :
    晞 :

    sam kit :shtmanhk :sam kit :kam :sam kit :今日先睇狂野時速5 點解有時D人講野個口同D聲唔夾?我係MEGABOX睇 你地有冇嫁?冇喎, 我係百老匯睇, 超正!B+看來又係UA力撐UA狂加場次, 彭順去UA朗豪坊謝票係好有用!B+個尾咁樣, 睇黎都會有D-偵探!!怎會妄自菲薄自稱…


    我在THE ONE看, 我相信與戲院無關吧?

  31. shtmanhk

    Rat :




  32. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    Rat :



    There you are again, doing what you do best, putting a negative spin on positive changes. We do not need your ‘insight’, thank you. HK cinema will figure out a way to overcome this, sooner or later.

  33. queen

    shtmanhk :
    符合郭富城近年擔正港片開畫票房(三岔B+偵探口 打平手),但比父子略遜而C+偵探最低.(郭富城 近年六片皆非新寶…

    應該是全城戒備最差. 殺人犯真係無得講, 宣傳及發行win晒. B+二百幾場才42萬票房應該算不理想了.
    有冇發覺郭富城的電影, 拍攝成本超低宣傳費卻超高. 以一千萬為例, 製作費可能用了300萬, 宣傳費卻是700萬之多. 會唔會有點本末倒置呢?

  34. Rat

    queen :
    shtmanhk :B+偵探比C+偵探開畫票房多近一倍,但C+偵探開畫遇正強勢色戒,開畫規模細得多,當時C+偵探仲聲稱被安樂院線’打壓’:http://hongkongfilms.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=778334符合郭富城近年擔正港片開畫票房(三岔B+偵探口 打平手),但比父子略遜而C+偵探最低.(郭富城 近年…

    B+ 宣傳費很高?

  35. queen

    Rat :
    queen :shtmanhk :B+偵探比C+偵探開畫票房多近一倍,但C+偵探開畫遇正強勢色戒,開畫規模細得多,當時C+偵探仲聲稱被安樂院線’打壓’:http://hongkongfilms.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=778334符合郭富城近年擔正港片開畫票房(三岔B+偵探口 打平手),但比父子略遜而C+偵探最低….

    百老匯, 嘉禾在差不多一個月前已放巨型紙板海報. 預告片不停播, 電視黃金時段賣兩次以上廣告不便宜的. 巴士站燈箱..等等

  36. shtmanhk

    queen :
    應該是全城戒備最差. 殺人犯真係無得講, 宣傳及發行win晒. B+二百幾場才42萬票房應該算不理想了.
    有冇發覺郭富城的電影, 拍攝成本超低宣傳費卻超高. 以一千萬為例, 製作費可能用了300萬, 宣傳費卻是700萬之多. 會唔會有點本末倒置呢?
    百老匯, 嘉禾在差不多一個月前已放巨型紙板海報. 預告片不停播, 電視黃金時段賣兩次以上廣告不便宜的. 巴士站燈箱..等等

    B+ 嘉樂發行,多些宣傳很正常.


  37. shtmanhk



    通天奇兵 710萬(38萬)

    轟天猛將 707萬(36萬)

    3X 342萬(19萬)

    狂野時速 —
    狂野時速2 106萬(7萬)
    狂野時速3 295萬(6萬)
    狂野時速4 302萬(16萬)
    狂野時速5 747萬(43萬)

  38. queen

    shtmanhk :
    queen :應該是全城戒備最差. 殺人犯真係無得講, 宣傳及發行win晒. B+二百幾場才42萬票房應該算不理想了.有冇發覺郭富城的電影, 拍攝成本超低宣傳費卻超高. 以一千萬為例, 製作費可能用了300萬, 宣傳費卻是700萬之多. 會唔會有點本末倒置呢?百老匯, 嘉禾在差不多一個月前已放巨型紙板海報. 預告片不停播, 電視黃金時段賣兩次以上廣告不便宜的. 巴士站燈箱..等等已可以計算到宣傳費…

    已經看到百老匯的巨型宣傳紙板海報了, 宣傳規模同山渣樹差不多

  39. queen

    shtmanhk :
    通天奇兵 710萬(38萬)
    轟天猛將 707萬(36萬)
    3X 342萬(19萬)
    狂野時速 –狂野時速2 106萬(7萬)狂野時速3 295萬(6萬)狂野時速4 302萬(16萬)狂野時速5 747萬(43萬)

    前4集我無睇, 只睇第5集. 故事簡單流暢, 當中有緊張的也有笑場, happy ending. 個人覺得值得一看

  40. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :

    I was surprise you are this late to join the discussion of FAST FIVE. It does show how unpredictable HK market is.

    It is rather pointless for you to keep posting historical figures, as nothing prepares HK box office watchers to foresee how popular FAST FIVE is.

    PIRATES 3D, unfortunately, will cut into the film’s 3rd week momentum, which is a shame. It is not getting good reviews at rottentomatoes. FAST FIVE could have done even better.

    The whole world is embracing FAST FIVE, so if HK did not follow, we truly has bad taste.

  41. Ken Resurrected

    queen :前4集我無睇, 只睇第5集. 故事簡單流暢, 當中有緊張的也有笑場, happy ending. 個人覺得值得一看

    Actually it is better to have at least watch 1 or 2 movies before in the franchise to truly appreciate how good this sequel is. This movie is like OCEAN’S ELEVEN action alternative.

  42. Jacky Wong

    郭富城拍戲浮誇到死,個樣又衰,跟本唔識造戲,成日拍埋d垃圾片,老老實實,我Jacky Wong睇佢演戲不如睇日本AV好過!

  43. shtmanhk



    龍鳳鬥 948萬(70萬)
    以和為貴 937萬(53萬)
    黑社會 881萬(60萬)
    向左走向右走 806萬(35萬)
    神探 607萬(52萬)
    單身男女 593萬(39萬)
    大事件 580萬(19萬)
    柔道龍虎榜 528萬(38萬)
    文雀 416萬(29萬)
    放.逐 375萬(13萬)
    鐵三角 361萬(23萬)
    復仇 138萬(5萬)
    蝴蝶飛 —

    跟蹤 286萬(12萬)

    意外 378萬(14萬)

    天生一對 594萬(33萬)
    每當變幻時 546萬(35萬)
    機動部隊 320萬(12萬)

    報應 171萬(6萬)


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