






在三部大型電影開畫的情況下,第一發行的《羅馬夜禁色》首天安排於百老匯電影中心與Palace IFC各映五場,結果分別錄得六千七百及三千六百的成績,以小眾發行的西班牙片而言成績不算突出。








  1. nbachung


  2. ken


  3. Ken Resurrected

    《雷神奇俠》opening to HK$1.5 million is certainly undermining, but it seems to be getting very good reviews in North America. If being a strong product is not enough to win over HK audiences, then it may eventually gross about 13-15 times its opening Thursday, or equivalent to roughly HK$22.5 million, still a very good sum no matter what.

    《關雲長》is performing quite well in my books. I was expecting a lower opening. Perhaps it has a shot at HK$10 million, as this one is not likely to have momentum.

    I was surprised there is no mentioning of JUST GO WITH IT on this blog since its opening. This is a crowd-pleasing low brow entertainment, very suitable for HK market, but it will only top out at HK$3.5 million despite a plum Easter slot, quite disappointing for an Adam Sandler vehicle.

    危機解密 SOURCE CODE will probably finish with no more than HK$9 million, but it is already doing much better than similar Hollywood movies.

    《肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑》continues to loose steam. It is on track to close with about 13 times its opening Thursday, i.e. it barely has better legs than the poorly received 《出軌的女人》.

  4. Paul ng

    Ken Resurrected :
    《肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑》continues to loose steam. It is on track to close with about 13 times its opening Thursday, i.e. it barely has better legs than the poorly received 《出軌的女人》.

    咁棣比較未必公平, 畢竟兩片的開畫規模和數字有別. 如果係咁比, 大部分電影的後勁也比《出軌的女人》差. (IE.連《狄仁傑之通天帝國》和《綫人》的最後票房也不超過它們周四開畫票房的15倍.)

  5. B

    Ken Resurrected :
    《雷神奇俠》opening to HK$1.5 million is certainly undermining, but it seems to be getting very good reviews in North America. If being a strong product is not enough to win over HK audiences, then it may …

    Uhm, I wouldn’t say opening to $1.5 million is bad. This weekend is a holiday so less people are likely to go out and see it opening day. Also, Thor is not as well known as Iron Man. I didn’t expect Thor to match or outperform Iron Man’s opening day.

    And as for 《關雲長》, I don’t think the opening is particularly impressive. The studio/distributor is obviously going for the Donnie Yen/action fan audience but Thor has outperformed it in several locations even with Thor getting smaller screens.

  6. ho_fung38


  7. shtmanhk

    Paul ng :

    shtmanhk :



  8. Na


    nbachung :

  9. Ken Resurrected

    I use my own way to determine what movies have legs and what don’t. 一切只是順口開河 is not your own privilege, Mr Shtmanhk.

    Most Hollywood movies opening to around HK$800K to HK$1.2 million and then ended up grossing around HK$10-12 million has become quite the norm for frontloaded films, which translate to about 11-12 times its opening a normal Thursday. Hence when a movie already disappointed on their opening day, they do not have much chance of reaching a high amount. This has even become a norm for smaller movies, as 《出軌的女人》
    opening to HK$159K and closing with only HK$1.9 million.

    Films with strong sustaining power over the past year posted terrific multiplier effect, as 《單身男女》
    has shown to reach 27 times its opening thursday (excluding previews).

    This multiplier effect is just another variation on percentage of first weekend take of the total gross. It is not rocket scientist.

  10. Ken Resurrected

    B :
    Ken Resurrected :《雷神奇俠》opening to HK$1.5 million is certainly undermining, but it seems to be getting very good reviews in North America. If being a strong product is not enough to win over HK audienc…

    THOR now has un uphill battle of reaching HK$20 million, but it is possible, and it is not a shabby figure. The question is what kind of expectations is HK distributors have.

  11. Na


  12. Rat

    ho_fung38 :


  13. Ken Resurrected

    ho_fung38 :

    The movie has legs. It is a shame it did not open big on its first weekend. This movie could have finished in the HK$20 million range during if it is released in the early 2000s.

  14. Ken Resurrected

    Paul ng :咁棣比較未必公平, 畢竟兩片的開畫規模和數字有別. 如果係咁比, 大部分電影的後勁也比《出軌的女人》差. (IE.連《狄仁傑之通天帝國》和《綫人》的最後票房也不超過它們周四開畫票房的15倍.)

    《出軌的女人》’s staying power is about the same as many small movies opening in middling platform release, grossing 12 times its opening Thursday. Actually the multiplier of 12 has become a benchmark for our average HK movies.
    In fact, smaller movies multiplier most of the time can be much worse, as these movies suffer higher amount of screen cuts once its opening weekend disappointed.

    《綫人》 final gross is about 14 times its opening Thursday, which is decent and average for an HK movie, plus it outgrossed 《証人》by over 65%.

    《狄仁傑之通天帝國》opened at HK$750K (aided by proximity to national holiday), but with previews it ended up grossing about 15 times its opening Thursday, which is not shabby at all, since its opening Thursday is somewhat boosted.

    《童眼3D》is possibly one of the worse performing HK movies, grossing only 11.5 times its HK$770K opening Thursday. But in recent memory one of the extreme example must be 《天凶之城》, grossing only 8 times its opening HK$950K.

    For movies that have weeks of sneak previews to enhance this multiplier effect, we have 《抱抱俏佳人》grossing about 16 times its opening Thursday of HK$390K. For SANCTUM, it grossed about 18 times its opening Thursday of HK$1.18 million.

    The more extreme example of the multiplier effect is that of 《告白》, grossing 40 times its opening of HK$280K, or ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW, grossing 45 times its opening of HK$510K, or LOVE IN A PUFF grossing 47 times its opening Thursday of HK$140K.

  15. B

    Ken Resurrected :
    B : B: Ken Resurrected :THOR now has un uphill battle of reaching HK $ 20 million, but it is possible, and it is not a shabby figure. The question is what kind of expectations is HK distributors have.

    Uphill battle? Thor is showing that it’s a family friendly film. The increased admissions today reflect that. It’ll make over 1m for the weekend.

    I expect Thor to come in with 1.3-1.5 million (5-day) [10-11.6 million HK$]. I think it will finish above $3m before Pirates comes out.

  16. Ken Resurrected

    Na :
    nbachung :《關雲長》[香討]度見囗碑極差..d人勁插劇情.相信香港票房唔多樂觀.葉偉信執導的《聊齋之倩女幽魂》香港巿場都睇死佢唔掂.估計香港收5.600粒到.但內地2曰收8000粒又收得喎..

    精武風雲.陳真 finished with about only 6 times its opening day grosses, which of course was aided by proximity to Chinese national holiday. Not all 甄子丹 movie can be successful, so expectations for 《關雲長》should not be too high. But its multiplier effect should be average if the movie is decent, hence I am forecasting it should ultimately gross about HK$10 million, or about 13 times its opening Thursday.

  17. Ken Resurrected

    B :
    Ken Resurrected :B : B: Ken Resurrected :THOR now has un uphill battle of reaching HK $ 20 million, but it is possible, and it is not a shabby figure. The question is what kind of expectations is HK d…

    I don’t mind being proven wrong. My presumption was that if it is reasonable product, then THOR may eventually gross about 13-14 times its opening Thursday. However, if the movie is receiving good word of mouth and sustain, then the multiplier effect will go higher. We’ll see.

  18. No.1


  19. Na


  20. 小米

    去睇完Africian Cats, 超正!順便睇埋THOR,又意外好睇喎,3D特技非常震撼,場面浩瀚,角色幽默,我覺得比Ironman 2好看得多!$90值回票價。宣傳不多,想不到是Hollywood A 級大片,有港產片不理觀眾勁罵,自吹3D如何勁。請去看看雷神,看看人家的3D已去到甚麼境界!大家票價一樣,就要用同一標準比較。不要自己不知羞恥,連累人地以為香港人唔識嘢。

  21. kameyou

    小米 :

    你讚嘆那些, 不是3D, 而是CG電腦畫.

  22. 小米

    kameyou :
    小米 :有港產片不理觀眾勁罵,自吹3D如何勁。請去看看雷神,看看人家的3D已去到甚麼境界!大家票價一樣,就要用同一標準比較…其實你根本不知何為3D你讚嘆那些, 不是3D, 而是CG電腦畫.


  23. Ben

    小米 :
    kameyou :
    小米 :有港產片不理觀眾勁罵,自吹3D如何勁。請去看看雷神,看看人家的3D已去到甚麼境界!大家票價一樣,就要用同一標準比較…其實你根本不知何為3D你讚嘆那些, 不是3D, 而是CG電腦畫.



  24. Creative Mind

    Ken Resurrected :
    《出軌的女人》’s staying power is about the same as many small movies opening in middling platform release, grossing 12 times its opening Thursday. Actually the multiplier of 12 has become a benchmark for our average HK movies.
    In fact, smaller movies multiplier most of the time can be much worse, as these movies suffer higher amount of screen cuts once its opening weekend disappointed.

    《綫人》 final gross is about 14 times its opening Thursday, which is decent and average for an HK movie, plus it outgrossed 《証人》by over 65%.

    《狄仁傑之通天帝國》opened at HK$750K (aided by proximity to national holiday), but with previews it ended up grossing about 15 times its opening Thursday, which is not shabby at all, since its opening Thursday is somewhat boosted.

    《童眼3D》is possibly one of the worse performing HK movies, grossing only 11.5 times its HK$770K opening Thursday. But in recent memory one of the extreme example must be 《天凶之城》, grossing only 8 times its opening HK$950K.

    For movies that have weeks of sneak previews to enhance this multiplier effect, we have 《抱抱俏佳人》grossing about 16 times its opening Thursday of HK$390K. For SANCTUM, it grossed about 18 times its opening Thursday of HK$1.18 million.

    The more extreme example of the multiplier effect is that of 《告白》, grossing 40 times its opening of HK$280K, or ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW, grossing 45 times its opening of HK$510K, or LOVE IN A PUFF grossing 47 times its opening Thursday of HK$140K.

    Well, 頗同意你的分析,你使用的理論相當創新.!!!!!!!!!


  25. shtmanhk

    3D肉蒲團 第三個周四單日票房和愛麗絲及沖天救兵相若,但staying power 就遠不及地心探險記.另外相比起沒有3D及假期效應的色戒,第三個周四單日票房51萬累積票房3181萬仍有所不及.

    3D肉蒲團 計算上最棋差一著是太多血腥凶殘暴力虐待畫面情節(混集嘉禾90年代兩大賣座三級片精華所在: 滿清十大酷刑 x 玉蒲團之偷情寶鑑),但事實上相當有礙吸引更多主流女性觀眾(甚至部份男性觀眾)入埸.



    阿凡達 —
    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 3250萬(55萬)
    小人國大歷險 2906萬(18萬)
    地心探險記 2333萬(83萬)

    反斗奇兵3 6382萬(150萬)
    沖天救兵 2406萬(58萬)


    3D肉蒲團 2840(53萬)

  26. shtmanhk

    倩女幽魂 是葉偉信近年開畫新低古天樂尾二低(很難差過一路有你),如非此院線上映票房更欠佳.


    鎗王之王 115萬(*假期)
    竊聽風雲 94萬
    導火線 73萬(連優先場首日累收95萬)
    保持通話 55萬
    意外 45萬
    單身男女 44萬(連優先場首日累收95萬)
    鐵三角 44萬
    生日快樂 39萬(連優先場共收66萬)
    一個好爸爸 38萬
    一路有你 3.5萬

    倩女幽魂 35萬

  27. shtmanhk



    精武風雲 231萬
    導火線 73萬
    江山美人 60萬
    錦衣衛 35萬

    關雲長 78萬

  28. shtmanhk




    阿凡達 262萬
    小人國大歷險 225萬
    人.神.魔戰 223萬
    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 220萬

    地心探險記 132萬
    生化危機3D 125萬
    潛行深淵 118萬
    死神4來了 115萬
    舞出真我3D 114萬
    創戰紀 113萬
    變種食人倉3D 80萬



    蜘蛛俠3(2007) 739萬
    鐵甲奇俠2(2010) 330萬
    蜘蛛俠(2002) 216萬
    職業特工隊3(2006) 159萬

    鐵甲奇俠(2008) 146萬
    狼人外傳(2009) 116萬
    變種特攻2(2003) 113萬
    天國驕雄(2005) 47萬


    雷神奇俠 150萬

  29. Rat

    shtmanhk :
    倩女幽魂 是葉偉信近年開畫新低古天樂尾二低(很難差過一路有你),如非此院線上映票房更欠佳.
    鎗王之王 115萬(*假期)竊聽風雲 94萬導火線 73萬(連優先場首日累收95萬)保持通話 55萬意外 45萬單身男女 44萬(連優先場首日累收95萬)鐵三角 44萬生日快樂 39萬(連優先場共收66萬)一個好爸爸 38萬一路有你 3.5萬
    倩女幽魂 35萬


  30. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    阿凡達 262萬小人國大歷險 225萬人.神.魔戰 223萬愛麗絲夢遊仙境 220萬
    地心探險記 132萬生化危機3D 125萬潛行深淵 118萬死神4來了 115萬舞出真我3D 114萬創戰紀 113萬變種…

    Your analysis is once again off the mark. It is too late for you to defend its poor opening. Come on, Mr shtmanhk, it so far has accumulated less than HK$19 million, and it will not cross the HK$20 million mark at all.

    Its multiplier effect will be about 13 (13 times its opening Thursday gross = final gross) when all its said and done.

    It really depends on what kind of expectations our industry watchers have, but PIRATES 3D today just opened north of HK$2.5 million.

    You citing 《關雲長》as a reason for not opening higher is also not accurate. While I think 《關雲長》 is performing well, it is not strong enough to cut into THOR’s business.
    Both movies also crash and burn on its second weekend with the arrival of FAST FIVE.

  31. shtmanhk

    Rat :

    一路有你 這些往後他可免則免,


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