







小眾發行方面,安樂發行的《美麗末日》首天於Palace IFC及百老匯電影中心共映九場,錄得萬二的成績,以小眾電影而言算是一般。新一發行的動畫《火影忍者疾風傳:失落之塔》首天於六院映18場,票房只有九千,且看周末能否受惠於家庭客源。







  1. Rat

    黑天鵝 兩週平禮儀師票房, 但不會有slumdog的成績

    皇上無話兒 大概會是芝加哥的票房

  2. Rat

    這兩週是港片真空期, 睇港片要等王晶?

  3. GO


    Rat :
    這兩週是港片真空期, 睇港片要等王晶?

  4. GO


    Rat :
    黑天鵝 兩週平禮儀師票房, 但不會有slumdog的成績
    皇上無話兒 大概會是芝加哥的票房

  5. Ken Resurrected

    BLACK SWAN’s performance is very impressive, and it should finish with at least HK$15 million at this pace. Yes it should have benefitted from Natalie Portman winning that Oscar, but the movie wasn’t really heavy drama. One should point out pictures that won last year’s Best Actress or Best Actor, CRAZY HEART or BLIND SIDE, did not receive any boost from awards contention and both finish with under HK$1 million, mainly because their movie subject matter does not interest HK moviegoers.

    KINGS SPEECH does not appeal to younger audiences, thus it cannot be expected to reach SLUMDOG level, but HK$8 million is certainly possible. Even the QUEEN can make HK$4 million, without an appealing Chinese title or more Oscar wins.

    I AM NUMBER FOUR’s opening wasn’t very impressive, just like its North American figures, but for a movie with a no name cast, it did ok. I am forecasting it to close with HK$7.5 million at this point.

    SEASON OF THE WITCH tanked, just like in North America. No surprise.

    I think Hong Kong movie industry needs to be more confident of itself, otherwise Hollywood movies will continue to fill the void. People still watch the movies, and a certain number will watch Chinese movies, even bad chinese movies like 《婚前試愛》. You must try, do not wave the white flag.

  6. sally


  7. 皇上無話兒係被迫中型發行…

  8. Pistol


  9. Ken Resurrected

    Pistol :

    It is very hard to say if they cancel each other out, but one can only think of ‘what if’ scenarios.

    All I can say is, Ashton Kutcher was never really a big draw in Hong Kong, and his last major starring vehicle, KILLERS, tanked in HK, although WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS did gross over HK$7 million in 2008 May.
    His ensemble piece VALENTINE’S DAY, wasn’t a good comparison, except its release date.

    NO STRINGS ATTACHED is decent enough entertainment for the rom-com lovers, but the HK market is not a sucker for this genre. Perhaps HK audiences expected more from Natalie Portman, hence they do not find this movie worthwhile.

  10. GO


  11. shtmanhk

    Rat :
    這兩週是港片真空期, 睇港片要等王晶?


    荷李活片由二月中至三個月尾都會一直佔據本地市埸,港片要直至 單身男女 才有氣息.


  12. kent

    shtmanhk :
    荷李活片由二月中至三個月尾都會一直佔據本地市埸,港片要直至 單身男女 才有氣息.


  13. shtmanhk

    黑天鵝 次周四比首周四單日票房僅相差11萬,但
    一百萬零一夜 次周四比首周四單日票房相差33萬.一百萬零一夜 次周四競爭完全欠奉,而且更有院線優勢:


    黑天鵝 沒有跌入三級界別相當有利,因此片不乏十八歲以下女性觀眾;另外片中的商業元素及藝術包裝,高檔庸俗觀眾通殺.

    兩片首8日累積票房差距沒有收窄,仍是 一百萬零一夜 比黑天鵝 收多 230萬上下,這代表兩片第五至第八日總票房接近,如 黑天鵝 周五至周日三天總票房能收五百萬,則二千萬絕對有機會,一如北美及海外刀仔鋸大樹.

    成本僅1300萬美金的 黑天鵝 連續第二週佔據美國以外地區的國際票房冠軍,北美也超越成本1.5億的 魔幻王國3 成為霍士去年最高票房電影.



    咫尺閃靈 602萬(38萬)

    一百萬零一夜 1089萬(67萬)(39院197場)

    黑天鵝 850萬(63萬)(42院231場)


    一百萬零一夜 100萬(27院144場)

    黑天鵝 74萬(38院209場)


    一百萬零一夜 771萬*(57院239萬)

    黑天鵝 545萬(49院281場)


  14. Ken Resurrected

    SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE has more mass appeal than BLACK SWAN, and granted, BLACK SWAN is aided by a large number of screenings, all thanks to lack of competition. There is no denying its strong second week hold is extremely impressive.

    If CONFESSION could finish with HK$11 million with both of its first two Thursdays grossing only half of what BLACK SWAN grosses, then BLACK SWAN definitely can make it to HK$20 million.

    This is very great news. It proves 2D movies can still make a splash.

  15. fake

    Ken Resurrected :
    BLACK SWAN’s performance is very impressive, and it should finish with at least HK$15 million at this pace. Yes it should have benefitted from Natalie Portman winning that Oscar, but the movie wasn’t …

    MR KEN , did u see 《婚前試愛》,all CNY Chinese films , 《我知女人心》,《猛男滾死隊》?

    for the past few months , did u mainly choose hollywood films ( oscar ) ,BC indie films instead of hk chinese films ?

    IF u are a real hk films supporter , pls just like ryan . I f u pretend to be a hk films suppporter , pls dun blame hk audience anymore ,coz u are so fake , thx.

  16. Ken Resurrected

    fake :
    Ken Resurrected :BLACK SWAN’s performance is very impressive, and it should finish with at least HK$15 million at this pace. Yes it should have benefitted from Natalie Portman winning that Oscar, but …

    FYI, I watched 戀人絮語, because it is available at BC. I mostly prefer to watch movies at BC, so in addition, most of 2010’s Chinese language movies that were shown there, I mostly have watched, including 《志明與春嬌》and 《月滿軒尼詩》.

    Obviously you can tell my movie taste is leaning on drama or romance, and I have almost wanted to watch 《婚前試愛》, since I also watched BREAK UP CLUB, ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW, 《抱抱俏佳人》, 《得閒炒飯》among other low budget Chinese movies, except I am a little put off by the bad reviews for 《婚前試愛》, plus I have limited budget, hence I have to be very choosey.

    Hope that answers your question, and hopefully you also realize I am a supporter of small movies, not big budget commercial movies, hence that is one reason why you mostly see me comment on Hollywood movies.

  17. Ken Resurrected

    Like to correct myself on my preference on Hollywood movies, I should have phrased it as films on human condition, as many of the movies I watched are small movies made outside of Hollywood. Thank you.

  18. fake

    Ken Resurrected :
    Like to correct myself on my preference on Hollywood movies, I should have phrased it as films on human condition, as many of the movies I watched are small movies made outside of Hollywood. Thank you…

    If u ONLY WATCHED ONE HK FILM for the pass few MONTHS , how much effort do u show yr support for hk films ?

    If u dun watch hk films , how do u know the quality of them ?

    yr opinion are just like the HK audience u blame too , u often assume some hk films are bad quality , that’s no difference between u n them .

    If u are real supporter of hk films , even with limited budget , you spend less on BC indie films , then spend more mainly on hk films.

    it is an excuse that with the limied budget , sorry.

    maybe u use the insight pass or membership card of bc , THERFORE U WATCH HK FILMS mainly only in BC.

    even with samll budget , u see lots of hollywood films and western films instead of hk films

    u saw salt on the fist day of showing , but ingore Jeff Lau’s comedy at the same time ,

    u are a fake gentleman , it’s a joke that u blame hk audience dun support hk films.

    also prediction boxoffice is not a problem , but u always shift yr attitude afterward that’s meaning ful and pointless.

  19. Ken Resurrected

    I support the types of HK films I like to see. I did not watch one single movie during CNY, local HK or Hollywood or foreign movies.

    I like to see more HK movies having success, and I am happy that this year’s CNY is good to local movies, even though I did not watch any of them. Only if our local industry is strong, can our movies once again diversify and compete.

    What is wrong with that? How does that make me fake? What an idiotic and childish comment you have.

    You have no right to interfere what kind of movies I see, or what opinion I make.

    This is just about box office discussion.

    Now if Ryan is fair, he will delete all our responses here. Thank you.


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