












  1. Rat


  2. Ken Resurrected

    Rat :

    SANCTUM is a huge box office over-achiever, but most importantly, at least enough HK audiences like what they see and the word of mouth was not that destructive. To think it can beat the grosses of the highest grossing CNY movie is questionable. Remember, it did decline by more than 50% on its second week.

    Lack of competition (more than being an Oscar fare) is also helping BLACK SWAN and 127 HOURS. It is great to see high quality movies being embraced by HK movie-goers, and it will be delightful to see SWAN gross more than HK$12 million. Lots of mediocre Hollywood big-budgeted movies finish with around HK$10-12 million in the HK market anyway.

    Scary/horror thrillers often have frontloaded demand in North America, and seems like the same for the HK market, as witnessed by THE RITE (驅魔殿堂)’s lack of momentum. Think the last example of a good horror movie with decent reviews and momentum is ORPHAN.

    TRUE GRIT is poised to gross more than HK$1 million, a very good figure. I wonder how BLUE VALENTINE is performing now.

  3. XYZ


  4. Ken Resurrected

    BLACK SWAN seems to be having very strong legs, if estimated attendance on wmoov is accurate, so it should top HK$10 million with ease, and HK$12 million is within reach now.

    This is a great example of how we can relate North American box office performance and critical reviews for the purpose of comparison and forecasting.

  5. shtmanhk

    宇宙戰艦大和號 首4日累積票房比有假期效應的20世紀少年2 更理想


    20世紀少年 248萬(73萬)
    20世紀少年2 127萬(?萬)
    20世紀少年3 82萬(?萬)

    宇宙戰艦大和號 150萬(?萬)

  6. shtmanhk

    我知女人心 ‘後勁’比不上未來警察


    奇異旅程 –萬(–萬)
    1/2次同床 358萬(?萬)
    天下無賊 376萬(33萬)
    未來警察 319萬(?萬)


    我知女人心 321萬(?萬)

  7. shtmanhk



    康州驅魔實錄 300萬(?萬)
    孤疑 289萬(?萬)
    猛鬼街 265萬(?萬)
    1408 214萬(59萬)

    鬼差 189萬(53萬)
    REC2 183萬(?萬)
    驅魔人前傳 180萬(30萬)
    靈時三點三 180萬(44萬)
    凶鏡 177萬(47萬)
    害匙 163萬(53萬)
    午夜靈異錄像 148萬(?萬)
    鬼王再生 148萬(34萬)
    魔鬼屍餐 145萬(36萬)
    恐怖靈訊 113萬(28萬)
    地獄巫門等你來 108萬(?萬)
    七夜冤靈 101萬(25萬)
    娃鬼怪嬰 97萬(24萬)
    午夜來嚇 81萬(?萬)

    異度見鬼 75萬(19萬)
    奪命咒 72萬(19萬)
    咒怨2 69萬(?萬)
    鬼迷剎瑪莉 66萬(15萬)
    遺言信箱 65萬(16萬)
    咒怨 62萬(18萬)
    夜半鬼開門 51萬(11萬)
    雨夜閃靈 50萬(12萬)


    驅魔殿堂 193萬

  8. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    我知女人心 ‘後勁’比不上未來警察

    But we all know 未來警察 did benefitted from the 4 Newport Theatres inflated estimates. Ryan pointed that out too.

    I really think there is no need to intentionally downplay Andy Lau’s drawing power just from the performance of 我知女人心, but not give any mentioning of
    狄仁傑之通天帝國 or 新少林寺.

    It is very obvious that Andy Lau’s box office performance has been quite inconsistent in many other genre, but in doing ancient themed movies, his record is still pretty solid so far.

  9. shtmanhk

    潛行深淵 和 小人國大歷險 皆是北美失收本地大收,近來北美3D片票房及評論出現反彈,但本地仍甚受追捧(近日大部份六大 studio 3D片本地皆逾千萬),兩地口味有異可見一斑.


    阿凡達 4838萬
    愛麗絲夢遊仙境 2948萬
    小人國大歷險 2765萬
    地心探險記 1923萬
    人.神.魔戰 1907萬

    生化危機3D 1687萬
    舞出真我3D 1299萬
    創戰紀 1275萬
    死神4來了 969萬
    變種食人倉3D 824萬


    潛行深淵 1757萬

  10. shtmanhk

    以《枕邊冇情人》的質數符合同等級影片水平, 《我知女人心》符合劉華低收影片水平.各不相干,殊途同歸.


    色慾都市 1027萬
    色慾都市2 892萬
    求婚的惡魔 889萬
    緣滿情人節 817萬
    媽媽咪呀 755萬
    穿prada的惡魔 691萬
    愛情戀上癮 675萬
    緣份精華遊 645萬
    馬利與我 600萬
    冧歌有情人 599萬
    單身大急救 511萬
    一夜賭城戀大咗 501萬
    留給最愛的情書 493萬

    新娘愛鬥大 420萬
    27宜嫁 407萬
    再單身遊記 374萬
    收錯愛情風 344萬
    潮拜購物狂 344萬
    伴娘先生 294 萬


    枕邊冇情人 482萬

  11. shtmanhk


    英語片受惠奧斯卡效應比日片更厲害,一百萬零一夜首4日累積票房扣除優先埸50萬約721萬,比黑天鵝 收多230萬,且看首8日累積票房差距會否收窄?


    咫尺閃靈 272萬(126萬)


    一百萬零一夜 771萬(57院239萬)

    黑天鵝 545萬,49院281場

  12. Ken Resurrected

    shtmanhk :
    潛行深淵 和 小人國大歷險 皆是北美失收本地大收,近來北美3D片票房及評論出現反彈,但本地仍甚受追捧(近日大部份六大 studio 3D片本地皆逾千萬),兩地口味有異可見一斑.

    Again, your analysis is biased.

    You failed to mention that some of the worst performing 3D movies screened in North America like MY SOUL TO TAKE or ALPHA AND OMEGA wasn’t even screened in Hong Kong, but do you think they have a chance to succeed in Hong Kong?

    We can now take for granted that any decently marketed or scheduled 3D movie should be able to at least reach HK$10 million, due to inflated ticket prices, but one must realized many of those grosses were aided by plum release dates like CNY (GREEN HORNET), Christmas (GULLIVER’S TRAVELS), Easter (CLASH OF THE TITANS), Summer (STEP UP 3D) etc.

    潛行深淵 (SANCTUM) is definitely the first true example of a hugely successful marketing story for a HK opening 3D movie, and I think it is hard for any other 3D movie in the future to top this feat.

    Since SANCTUM is not performing that exceptionally in other markets, it is purely a HK success story.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad lessons learned from this.


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