






高先發行黎妙雪執導的懸疑片《情謎》首天於18院映68場下,最終以五萬九千開畫,當中發行公司安排預留部分戲票供導演到臨的的百老匯The ONE及UA朗豪坊分別錄得八千八百及萬五的收入,但其餘各院票房則在四千五百以下,入座率跟《龍》片與《高》片不分上下。《情謎》的主要賣點在於女主角舒淇分飾兩角及男主角余文樂,可是觀眾看來對余文樂主演的《春嬌與志明》更為期待,而對於《情謎》整體感覺缺乏信心,故此影響票房成績。

高先同日發行由波蘭斯基執導的《躁爸爸狂媽媽》選擇於七院映30場作中型發行,結果首天進賬三萬一千,每場人次較中型發行新片略佳,不過以新片開畫來說仍說偏弱。第一發行於Palace IFC及百老匯電影中心上映的《單車男孩》首天九場僅收五千三百,看來開畫開得無聲無息。








  1. Edko is saving some face with the strong 2nd Thursday gross for 《大追捕》, dropping only 43%. It was a terrific hold for a movie that did not receive terrific reviews, and now HK movie industry can finally put their trust in 導演周顯揚. Seems like this director can open his movies. A 15 times opening Thursday multiplier will mean this movie at least reach HK$15.75 million, which will be amazingly strong. It helps that Edko’s own 《鐵娘子─戴卓爾夫人傳》is underperforming after its first week, allowing Edko to throw their their complete support.

    《桃姐》also dropping an identical 43%. Assuming a conservative estimated 17 times multiplier from this latest Thursday outcome, 《桃姐》still has roughly HK$6 million left in its run and may close with HK$25-26 million. If it can hang on decently until the HK film awards, it will go higher with the publicity.

    Despite such great results from the mentioned HK movies, as well as the highly anticipated, must see HK movie 《春嬌與志明》about to debut next week, there is only limited breathing room for so many chinese language movies. Should we fault the distributors of 《高舉.愛》and 《情謎》to screen their movies amongst intense competition for Chinese movies? 《高舉.愛》is the sort of movies that have breakout potential if it is released at the right time. 《情謎》definitely should have been released way after 《春嬌與志明》is done. It never really stands a big chance of success despite the presence of capable stars.

    《飢餓遊戲》might have opened well in 1st place, but HK is not a market that strongly embraces female led science fiction pictures. Even though it has received strong reviews at rottentomatoes, I don’t see this one going higher than a 13 times opening day multiplier, meaning it will close with around HK11 million. Of course, I would not mind seeing well-reviewed movies going higher.

    With the arrival of a major Hollywood competitior, 《異星爭霸戰:尊卡達傳奇》slumped further. It has so far come rather close to my initial 15-times opening day multiplier forecast of HK$15.5 million, which means the current strength of HK movies really hurt its screen retention.

    We can conlude that when HK movie industry put up a fight, we can halt Hollywood screen domination and limit their potential. I appeal to exhibitors, do not let one Hollywood movie dominate screens like they do with TRANSFORMERS 3 in 2012. It is simply not healthy, abnormal unfair market practise.

  2. 《高舉.愛》is rejected by HK audiences because we smell sth wrong, when the trailer shows simplified chi words I know this film will sink. Only Apple Daily tells the truth. Audiences fear《情謎》is too difficult, can’t tell who’s who among the five roles 舒淇 playing.

  3. Tony :
    《高舉.愛》is rejected by HK audiences because we smell sth wrong, when the trailer shows simplified chi words I know this film will sink. Only Apple Daily tells the truth. Audiences fear《情謎》is too difficu…

    Thanks for enlightening me. However, that’s not a fair way to judge a film. I can understand anti-mainland sentiments occasionally, but Apple Daily was highly vocal about last year’s 《不再讓你孤單》. If they are coming after 《高舉.愛》 for politically incorrect reasons, it is a total shame and has nothing to do with the quality of a film.

    I do think a credible reason why 《高舉.愛》 is failing, is simply because there are only so much money a regular audience can spend on supporting HK movies. This type of 小品 is not an easy sell to HK market without any awards buzz, but it is also the type of genre films we really need to support, to stay away from big budget movies. As 《桃姐》 is filling the void nicely, there is no room for another similar film to survive.

    Looking more closely, having 嘉禾 as the main cinema chain supporting it also hurts.

  4. Ken Resurrected :
    We can conlude that when HK movie industry put up a fight, we can halt Hollywood screen domination and limit their potential. I appeal to exhibitors, do not let one Hollywood movie dominate screens like they do with TRANSFORMERS 3 in 2012. It is simply not healthy, abnormal unfair market practise.



    p.s.TRANSFORMERS 3 in 2012 ?

  5. Song :其實年年暑假都有幾部荷李活電影一片獨大,今年仲要早到四月尾就會出現,而且打後起碼有四五部如此,只有變本加厲.


    p.s.TRANSFORMERS 3 in 2012 ?

    TRANSFOMERS 3 in 2012 was a typo. I really meant 2011.

    As long as our movie industry brings strong products during the summer, that will prevent Hollywood domination. Last year 2011’s Hollywood schedule is just crazy. Not only does Chinese language movies totally give up the slot, it even allows one or two Hollywood movies to dominate all other Hollywood or foreign movies. It is just crazy. Nobody can say that this is normal business practise. 2011 is simply the worst domination ever. I cannot agree with anybody who say that this is going to be the norm as you say so.

    It is too bad that Hong Kong consumers let this happen. Normally I will boycott going to a movie theater during summer because there is no choice at all.

  6. Ken Resurrected :
    Last year 2011’s Hollywood schedule is just crazy. Not only does Chinese language movies totally give up the slot, it even allows one or two Hollywood movies to dominate all other Hollywood or foreign movies. It is just crazy. Nobody can say that this is normal business practise. 2011 is simply the worst domination ever. I cannot agree with anybody who say that this is going to be the norm as you say so.

    2010年TOY STORY 3/INCEPTION也是一片獨大,有何稀奇?



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