











  1. 英子


  2. 外星人


  3. 我好耐參加啦xddd!下次一定玩>,

  4. 其中一個電影fans


  5. Ken

    Overestimating FURRY VENGEANCE is because Brendan Fraser’s track record in Hong Kong has been very decent, plus there are just not a lot of movies to choose from even with just big family movie TOY STORY 3. But one big movie is enough to crush it.

    Also, I think Ryan, you failed to mention yesterday’s extremely bad weather, which I did point out on Tuesday.

  6. Lulu


  7. Rat

    外星人 :

    下週都好玩, 8月果d仲好玩

  8. nbachung


  9. shtmanhk

    Ken :
    Overestimating FURRY VENGEANCE is because Brendan Fraser’s track record in Hong Kong has been very decent, plus there are just not a lot of movies to choose from even with just big family movie TOY ST…

    1.Brendan Fraser 過去主演的電影收得與他有何直接關係?


  10. Ken

    shtmanhk :
    Ken :Overestimating FURRY VENGEANCE is because Brendan Fraser’s track record in Hong Kong has been very decent, plus there are just not a lot of movies to choose from even with just big family movie T…

    Just like you like to point out TOM CRUISE’s track record.

    By the way, predicting 100,000 is not really a vote of confidence at Brendan Fraser anyway, just would not think it would do as bad as it is.

    Still, FURRY VENGEANCE is a family movie that is rated I, most of its shows on Thursday were before 7pm, and please tell me what kind of weather is like around 3-7pm? Very small kids is not likely going to be out.

    The real test will be whether the movie will climb by over 200% on Saturday or Sunday. But this box office prediction game only covers the opening day.

  11. shtmanhk

    1.Brendan Fraser 過去主演的愛情片/文藝片能如 tom cruise 般收過或近千萬嗎?

    2.一小時內分別發出黃紅黑雨警告,早兩日新聞隨手可尋. free lunch again ? 當日早午天氣沒多大問題.

    Ken :
    Just like you like to point out TOM CRUISE’s track record.

    By the way, predicting 100,000 is not really a vote of confidence at Brendan Fraser anyway, just would not think it would do as bad as it is.

    Still, FURRY VENGEANCE is a family movie that is rated I, most of its shows on Thursday were before 7pm, and please tell me what kind of weather is like around 3-7pm? Very small kids is not likely going to be out.

  12. Ken

    shtmanhk :
    1.Brendan Fraser 過去主演的愛情片/文藝片能如 tom cruise 般收過或近千萬嗎?
    2.一小時內分別發出黃紅黑雨警告,早兩日新聞隨手可尋. free lunch again ? 當日早午天氣沒多大問題.
    Ken :Just like you like to point out TOM CRUISE’s track record.

    By the way, predic…

    Not all of Brendan Fraser’s movies got distribution in Hong Kong.

    This discussion is always intended to be purely on drawing power of family adventure/action oriented movies that starred Mr Fraser.

    Please also be reminded that I knew FURRY VENGEANCE would have flopped. The bad weather further kills any chances it had to open close to my prediction of 100K, that’s all.

  13. shtmanhk

    Ken :
    Not all of Brendan Fraser’s movies got distribution in Hong Kong.

    This discussion is always intended to be purely on drawing power of family adventure/action oriented movies that starred Mr Fraser.

    Please also be reminded that I knew FURRY VENGEANCE would have flopped. The bad weather further kills any chances it had to open close to my prediction of 100K, that’s all.

    By the way, …

    1.所以 Brendan Fraser 主演的片叫座只因特技而已


  14. 今日參加人數真多,可惜成績普遍唔理想,自己比上周退步左吾少,反而有d上次唔合格既參加者竟然有好大既進步,而上次領高分有D反而得0分,囧……

  15. 宋潔玲 :


  16. Ken

    shtmanhk :
    Ken :Not all of Brendan Fraser’s movies got distribution in Hong Kong.

    This discussion is always intended to be purely on drawing power of family adventure/action oriented movies that starred Mr Fr…

    Agree, but that is not what Hollywood studio executives think.

    I was outside around 3pm when rain is starting to pour in North Kowloon. At around 420pm, in YMT Nathan Road area, certain sections had minor floodings. So I know how unpleasant it was to go out.

    Anyway, the movie did not rebound at all due they reduce screenings.

  17. 宋潔玲

    siu yan :

    因為我見到有d人既名字係藍色,一click原來係因為有綱頁,於是,我就是但將某人既綱頁放起自己既個人綱頁來留言,想自己既名字變成藍色,讀者siu yan,我下次不敢呀!!!希望版主會原諒吧!!!

  18. shtmanhk

    Ken :
    shtmanhk :Ken :Not all of Brendan Fraser’s movies got distribution in Hong Kong.

    This discussion is always intended to be purely on drawing power of family adventure/action oriented movies that sta…



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