






該段文字大概意思是因為其恐怖及特技畫面,香港需要兩度送檢及「被逼刪剪為II B級上映」。


電影檢查的做法,先是呈交電影的發行商先行填寫擬上映的級別,然後進行電影檢查分級,倘若電影被評為三級,而發行商擬以II B級別上映的話,影視及娛樂事務處便會指示需作哪些刪剪才能獲發行商希望的評級。

留心上述的宣傳,電影最終是以II B級上映,基本上電檢方面沒有要你「被逼刪剪」,因為不剪是可以三級上映的,只是發行公司不欲這樣做,怕此流失觀眾,於是為求II B級而刪剪而已,情況跟日前跟《安非他命》與《維多利亞壹號》連三級也不獲通過截然不同。








  1. WTF.

    I think the marketing team may have been inspired (in all the wrong ways) by this blog’s TELA posts.

  2. Rottentomato 原來可以在香港用來宣傳

  3. Bud

    I don’t find the ad misleading; it just says the film’s horror sequence has to be toned down to pass for a IIB rating, which is not untrue. Sometimes, the negative financial consequence associated with a III rating is too huge to overlook.

    And the truth is: the rating system is never kind to these hardcore horror movies. Certainly,some scenes from these movies may not be appropriate for teens to watch when they are by themselves. But it should be okay if teens see them in the company of adult parents or guardians.

    That brings up a problem in the Hong Kong rating system: it is so restrictive that there is so such rating which gives people under 18 admissions to a movie when they are accompanied by adults. A rating to act as a cushion between IIB and III. A rating that is like the R rating in the US, which permits kids under 17 to a movie when accompanied by adults.

    *For reference, here are R-rated horror films in the US (Under 17 requires company of adults): the Saw franchise, Hostel 1 & 2, The Hills Have Eyes 1 & 2, Slither, Wolfman (2010), Legion (2010), and The Crazes.

  4. FlyingDonkey :

    Rottentomato 原來可以在香港用來宣傳

    yahoo 影評都可以la …

  5. agogowoods

    FlyingDonkey :

    Rottentomato 原來可以在香港用來宣傳
    yahoo 影評都可以la …

    依家用yahoo 影評做宣傳材料都成為笑柄啦..

  6. : yahoo 影評都可以la …

    But at least they use quotes instead of relying on a meaningless number. And I’m very curious why they chose Silent Hill and Saw IV to compare with.

  7. Bud :
    I don’t find the ad misleading; it just says the film’s horror sequence has to be toned down to pass for a IIB rating, which is not untrue

    1. They were not forced to cut the film and release it as IIB. And it would be a rather loose interpretation of ‘forced’ if you include ‘commercial considerations’ as a reason.

    2. The marketing team probably wanted to ride with the controversy hype of 安非他命 and 維多利亞壹號 and misrepresent 瘋殺禁區 as ‘so obscene it has to be censored’. Smarter audiences (like you) would know better.

  8. Actually, thinking more about it, this is the first time I’ve encountered a film that takes pride in being a IIB…

    (I still get a kick watching Cat III films and spotting the triangle plastered on posters :D)

  9. Bud

    The Daydreamer and others, what is your thought on Hong Kong’s lack of a rating equivalent to “R” in the US?


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